Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Three P's


As we look further into the story of Ruth and Boaz, we uncover the thoughts of Boaz towards this beautiful foreigner who has wandered into his fields to glean for barley. Boaz holds nothing back as he immediately takes notice of Ruth and inquires of her. We get a clear picture of his compassion and favor for Ruth, but more importantly, we get an insight of what you should be looking for in ‘your’ Boaz. I’ll call these the “The Three P’s”.


Boaz ask who Ruth is and his servants inform him that she is a foreigner from Moab, living with his returning relative, Naomi. They tell of her hard work and Boaz is impressed. Boaz instructs Ruth not to glean in any other field, but to pick from his field with his female servants. He also lets her know that he has commanded his men not to touch her.

Ruth is now under the protection of Boaz. She will no longer fear the owner of a field she gleans in being harsh towards her because she is an outsider, nor does she have to worry about harassment by the men around her. This must have been a huge relief for someone who has given up everything they have known all their life and has come into a strange land; an outsider and having no status.

Ladies, make sure your Boaz is a protector. Find a man who is willing to look out for your best interest and safety, not only from others, but from himself as well. It does no good if the man who keeps you safe from the world is the very one you fear. Not only should you not fear for your physical safety, but your emotional, mental and material welfare should be safe under your Boaz’ protection as well.

Your Boaz should be the one in who you find rest, peace and safety. He will guard your heart, your body, your thoughts and dreams and fears. He will guard your happiness here on earth and will be ever watchful to PROTECT YOU in ALL things!


Next, Boaz tells Ruth, “When you are thirsty, go to the vessels and drink.” He not only gives her food, but invites her to his table. He commands his servants to allow her to glean among the main grain harvesting and not the leftovers and to purposely let grain from the bundles fall in her path.

Boaz goes above and beyond to provide for Ruth. This was a risky proposition for Boaz as Ruth was an outsider. She was not only a foreigner, but a Moabite, whom Moses forbade the Hebrews to marry or mingle. They were worshippers of false gods and frowned upon. Boaz wasnow risking his reputation and standing in the community.

Ladies, will your Boaz go above and beyond to provide for you? Will he risk his reputation and his own desires to meet your needs? The actions of your Boaz should scream; “YOU ARE MY PRIORITY!” Find a man who will invest in you and continue to invest in you by providing whatever you need to succeed in life.


The scriptures say that Ruth gleaned in the field until evening and beat the grain into flour. Ruth stayed in the fields of Boaz throughout the harvest season close to his female servants. She was able to provide for herself and Naomi.

Ruth found purpose. The opportunity that Boaz gave her stirred up hope in her very being. She was becoming less and less “Ruth the Moabitess; the foreigner.” She now had a new sense of belonging. Purpose is a precious gift that can elevate the lowliest of person to greatest positions.

Is your Boaz elevating you? Is he cheering you on? Is he encouraging your purpose in life or helping you find it? …or is he tearing it down? Jesus once said “What man is there among you who, if his son ask for bread, will give him a stone?...If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

Ladies, if you waiting for a Boaz..praying for a Boaz…God is NOT going to send you…Broke-AZ, PO-AZ, Lyin-AZ, Cheatin-AZ,  Dumb-AZ, Drunk-AZ, Cheap-AZ, LockedUp-AZ, GoodForNothin-AZ, Lazy-AZ & DEFINITELY NOT HIS COUSIN BeatinYo-AZ!

Don’t make excuses for what God has not sent. Don’t try to fit Mr. Wrong in a Boaz picture. WAIT! Wait on God to deliver who you have been praying for! Make yourself ready to receive this gift from God. Look for the indicators of a “real” Boaz and not a cheap copy! You are worth it! Make sure he sees it too!


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