Sunday, April 21, 2013

The LORD Be With You

The LORD be with you

When Boaz returned to find Ruth gleaning in his field, the first thing he said to his harvesters was, “The LORD be with you.” The statement seems like a common greeting, but I believe it says a lot more and has lessons we can “glean”.

The statement in and of itself speaks volumes of the one stating it. First it denotes one’s spiritual position. Boaz didn’t say, “May the Force be with you” or “May Luck be with you”, but “May The LORD be with you”. He referenced the God of Israel and proclaimed his faith in this unique God. 

Secondly, it show’s a little of his character. Boaz was the landowner and a very powerful and important man in the community. He addresses his servants, not like one would think a servant would be addressed. The tone of Boaz is one of humility and kindness. He cares about people in general and acknowledges them respectfully.

What does this mean for you in your Wait On Your Boaz?

First, as a woman and especially if you are a Christian woman, find a man who has given his life to the God of Israel; a Christian. Some may argue that it makes no difference what his spiritual state is as long as he treats you right, but I beg to differ and allow me to explain.

As a Christian woman, you must heed the call of 2 Corinthians 6:14, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

If a Christian woman moves forward with a relationship with a non-believer, somewhere down the road, conflicts will arise. Whether it be differences of child rearing, tithe money, church attendance, prayer, moral issues, etc; it is far more difficult to walk your Christian walk when the one you are walking with is going in a different direction.

For the non-Christian woman; you should consider this. A man whose heart is sold out for God answers to God above all else. When he’s tempted to do wrong, he looks to God. As he tries to love you best, he looks to God. As a husband, father, friend and worker, he looks to God. As he lives his life for God, God lives through him and into your life; and that is a very good thing!

Is the Christian man perfect? NO! But here you have a man with boundaries and a higher accountability than his own self, self interest and selfishness. A man who will put God first above all, will put you first here on earth. A man who refuses to put God first or at all, is less disciplined to put you and your needs above his own.

God is the anchor in a relationship. Through the storms and bumps you will ultimately face in life; God will hold your relationship steady. Two are better than one, but THREE are better.

Wait On Your Boaz and “The LORD Be With You.”

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