Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Boaz; It's Not Just About Him

Waiting On Your Boaz isn't 'just' about landing a great man, it's about Trusting a Great God! The same God who died for you to pay your sins won't lead you in the wrong direction when you follow close behind Him. God wants the best for you! Why settle for what you 'think' is best?

In the Book, of Ruth there were ‘two’ daughters-in-law with ‘two’ choices to make. Orpah made the choice to turn back to what was familiar to her, but Ruth choose to follow Naomi; not only follow, but to become one with her as stated in her famous quote:

“Wherever you go, I will go: and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people will be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. The LORD do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you and me.” Ruth 1:16-17

I am awestruck by Ruth’s faithfulness, determination and courage; not to mention integrity of heart. This sounds more like the wedding vow, “till death do us part’.

We have to stop and understand what kind of character this shows in Ruth. See, BEFORE you set your eyes on your Boaz, you have to be worthy to receive such a gift from God. In order to be WORTHY to God, you, like Ruth, must choose to follow God…wherever He may lead you and however He may grow you.

God has a beautiful plan for your life and yes, it may very well include your Boaz, but it starts with HIM. He is the One who receives Glory and Honor. He is the One on the Throne to be Worshipped. He is the King and Judge over all creation. To Him you must submit if you wish to have any good thing in life.

Jesus summed it perfectly.

“Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

See the order of things? Seek ‘FIRST’, ‘THEN’ you receive. God is more concerned with your relationship with Him, than your desires of the world. Not to say that your desires don’t matter; for God is willing to give you the desires of your heart.

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

We, being self-centered and selfish creatures think this verse is about us, when in reality, it’s all about God.

When we delight in the LORD and seek Him and His kingdom and love Him with all are heart, mind and strength, our desires ‘become’ His desires; this is why we are now able to receive them! When we reach this state of mind of desiring the ‘RIGHT’ things, God is more than happy to oblige us.

Some of you are praying for a Boaz, waiting on a Boaz, seeking a Boaz…but still hanging around Broke-AZ, PO-AZ, Lyin-AZ, Cheatin-AZ, Dumb-AZ, Drunk-AZ,
Cheap-AZ, LockedUp-AZ, GoodForNothin-AZ, Lazy-AZ & DEFINITELY

If you want God’s best for you; give God your best!

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