Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Standing Up

Standing up can be a dangerous proposition, especially when knowing you can easily be knocked down. Many are content to “sit” things out and not take action or get involved for fear of failure, ridicule, un-acceptance or the like.

It takes strength of character and integrity to make a stand. Ever heard the term, “He’s a stand up guy.”? This is where it comes from. People recognize and honor people of principle, integrity and character. Even if one personally does not like such a person, they will respect his/her stance.

Boaz was such a man. In chapter 4 of The Book of Ruth, Boaz goes before the community to negotiate for Naomi’s land and Ruth’s hand in marriage. He knows there is a relative closer than he that may redeem the land. Being a man of integrity and honesty, he give this man the opportunity to be the “kinsman redeemer” and buy back what Naomi has lost.

The gentleman agrees until he learns that he has to take on Ruth, the Moab outsider who is not a virgin. He views this a disgrace to his lineage. Apparently, Boaz has no such worries; or simply doesn’t care what others in the community thinks.

Boaz seals the deal in front of witnesses of the community and takes hold of the land and Ruth as his wife.

It is obvious that doing so was a risk to ones reputation, given the reaction by the first relative. Boaz had that which the other lacked; ‘character’.

Ladies, is the man you have your eye on, a man of character? Or is he the type of person who is concerned what others think, even to the point where he is willing compromise who he is ‘supposed’ to be?

I say ‘supposed’ to be, because we all know that one can be any way one chooses to be and be perfectly honest. To be what God wants you to be is another matter. This is the man you want in your life; not a cheat, a liar, an adulterer, a thief, murder or criminal. You don’t need a prideful man, or an arrogant man, nor should he be too ambitious to the point it excludes you. You need a man of God! For when God is in the man, the man will treat you like God wants ‘you’ to be treated.

So, I am not speaking of the ‘jerk’ who is simply ‘keep’n it real’. I’m speaking of the ‘man’ who is ‘keeping it real’ with God, with you and with himself and others….in that order!

Yes ladies; go for the full package and the one with parts missing or some assembly required. Make sure your Boaz is a “Stand Up Guy’ who will stand up for God and you. Make sure he is man of character, honesty, integrity, principle and most important; a man of great faith.

You deserve the best that God has to give you. Why would you settle for anything less? The wait may be long or lonely or even painful, but giving yourself to the wrong man will be more lonely, more painful and if you marry; unbearably long.

Wait on your Boaz.


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