Sunday, April 7, 2013

Home Improvement

Home Improvement

The wise woman builds her house,
    but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
Proverbs 14:1

This is timeless advice from God to the ladies. At first glance, it seems to point out how foolish it is to tear down your house. Many interpret this passage to mean “home”. The woman who nags her husband, neglects her children, pushes herself away from her family, etc.

It may very well all that and more, but I would like to interject my opinion. 

Throughout scripture, the ‘body’ is continually referred to as an earthen vessel, a tent, a temple…a house. I believe this can be applied to meaning that a foolish woman tears ‘herself’ down.

Are you building yourself up? Or tearing yourself down?

Are you allowing past problems and mistakes to keep you prisoner in the present? Have you given up trying to do the things you dreamt of? Have you accepted the hurtful labels others put on you? Maybe you lack motivation, confidence, courage or skill. Is there ‘ANYTHING’ you are allowing to keep you from being the best ‘YOU’ you can be?

If so, you are being the foolish woman who is actively tearing her house down. 

Build yourself up! Do some serious inner reflection and start home improving! As many wait for a Boaz to come sweep them off their feet; they are neglecting becoming the woman a Boaz would pursue. 

I believe in you. I believe that you would not wish to remain foolish on purpose. Become who God has called you to be. Invest in yourself and build up your house!

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