Monday, April 8, 2013

Death: Endings and Beginnings

Death: Endings and Beginnings

Who among us has not experienced the pain of the death of a loved one, a friend, an acquaintance or ourselves been face to face with death or witnessed it?

Death is a fact of life in a fallen world. Ruth also experienced the pangs of death. Her journey starts with the death of her husband. She must have thought her world was ending…and perhaps it was.

This woman crossed the lines to marry outside her race, which most certainly didn’t win her points among her people. She probably felt somewhat isolated, but at least she had a loving husband. Now he too, was gone, leaving her with no children, no money, no future.

What was to Ruth to do? Give up and quit? Become bitter? Turn back to her former life? She would be justified to do. Ruth choose to trust God, go forward and wait. Wait On Her Boaz!

Although Boaz was not her first choice, God had reserved a mate for her. God was not the first choice of none of us, but like Boaz, turned out to be the best choice!

Even though Boaz was God’s choice, it took the death of Ruth’s husband to help Ruth choose him also. I’m not saying God killed her husband to do this, but worked all things together for the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:28 Death became, not the end, but the beginning.

What must die (figuratively) in your life so that God may grant you a new beginning and maybe your Boaz? Jesus said; "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." John 12:24

This applies not only to gain eternal life, but to gain everything! To live is to die; to die is to live. For a new beginning, an end must come. For some it may be the death of a unspiritual relationship or an abusive one. Maybe it’s the death of selfishness, arrogance and pride. For others, it may be the death of fear, low self esteem or confusion. Yet another may need to send the past, mistakes in the present and fear of the future to the grave.

Whatever is holding you back from beginning again, maybe it’s time to let it go or at least let the part of it die to start afresh. Most things that hold us back and need to die are internal: emotions, metal thinking, attitudes and habits.

No need to wait for physical death to begin living like Jesus promised, but live now! Put to death the things that hold you back. Crucify the negative baggage and nail them to the cross of Christ. Begin new! Begin today!

Then, Wait On Your Boaz.

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