Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Woman Of Impact

Woman Of Impact

When Catherine Lawes' husband, Lewis, became the warden on Sing
Sing prison in 1921, she was a young mother of three daughters. Everybody warned her never to step foot inside the walls. But she didn't listen to
them. When the first prison basketball game was held, in she went, three girls in tow, and took a seat in the bleachers with the inmates.

When she heard that one convicted murderer was blind, she taught him Braille so he could read. Upon learning of inmates who were hearing impaired, she studied sign language so they could communicate. For sixteen years Catherine Lawes softened the hard hearts of the men of Sing Sing.

The prisoners knew something was wrong when Lewis Lawes didn't report to work. Quickly the word spread that Catherine had been killed in a car accident. The following day as the acting warden took his early morning walk, he noticed a large gathering at the main gate. Every prisoner pressed against the fence. Eyes awash with tears. Faces solemn. No one spoke or moved.

The warden made a remarkable decision. "All right, men, you can go.
Just be sure to check in tonight." These were America's hardest criminals. But the warden unlocked the gate for them, and they walked without escort or guard to the home of Catherine Lawes to pay their last respects. And to a man, each one returned.

Catherine Lawes was a Woman Of Impact. She was not the smartest, not the richest, nor was she the most beautiful. What she was, was compassionate and loving. She made an impact by her spirit!

God has also give you the spirit to be a ‘World Changer’. Who knows if you will one day impact the world, your city, your workplace or your circle of friends and family? No matter who you are or what you station is in life, God wants to ‘USE’ you!

I speak a lot about your Wait On Your Boaz, but it also about each one of you. It’s about being the best ‘YOU’ God made you to be and having the most impactful life God intended for you, including finding your Boaz.

It’s all about giving and receiving. God wants both. He wants to bless you with your hearts desire, but He also wants you to give your life away to others in His Name. It’s a two way street and when you figure it out, your life will being to fall into place and make sense.

All too often, we as Christians, pray daily for our needs and wants and dream of things we’d like to experience. If we would only step back and ask God what He needs and wants of us, I believe we will truly find everything we are searching for.

Jesus was the greatest teacher of this principle:

“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.
Mark 10:43


“You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.”
James 4:3

In God’s economy, much of what we value is opposite. God is interested more interested in using you to make an impact for Him in the world and molding you into the image of His Son, Jesus. When you stop fighting God on what He needs and wants, you will begin to receive what you need and want.

Matthew 6”33 says: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you

Notice the order: seek ‘FIRST”….”THEN’ all things are added. So many of us are living life backwards; trying to get God to ‘add’ to us without ‘first seeking’, and when we don’t receive, we blame God, lack of faith, the devil and anyone and anything else we can think of.

Good things don’t always come to those who wait, but to those who do good while waiting. God has so much for, including your Boaz, but you must enter into His service.

Once you learn to let go of finding your Boaz….God will send Him. Be a Woman of Impact and God will impact your life. Trust God and see!

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