Sunday, May 12, 2013

Honor Thy Mother

Honor Thy Mother

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise—“so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”

Ephesians 6:1-3


Mom; There are very few titles that come with such a high honor as mom. Not only is honoring mom the first commandment from God with a promise, it is the first commandment from God to Eve; to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28); to become a mom.


You may be a mom, or you may not. You may have been raised by your mom or not. She may have been wonderful or less than stellar. You mom may have passed on, walked out or is still around. Maybe your mom is an adoptive mom or a foster or surrogate mom.


No matter what your ‘mom’ status is, it comes with great honor.


Many will agree, but for others whose mom leaves a bad taste in their mouth, to imagine honoring an absent, abusive, neglectful or bad mom is torture.


But a spiritual creature views things with spiritual eyes. You must look at life through the eyes of God. When God created Eve, He commanded her to become a mom, but we know that all life comes from God. So what does this mean?


Your mom, or you, if you are a mom, carries one of the highest honors in God’s reality. Moms are agents of God’s life stream! God perpetuates life through conception. The highest honor outside of God, is human life.


We are made in God’s image. The soul is eternal; it is sacred. It is so sacred that once it has been breathed to life by God, it cannot be destroyed! If ‘life’ holds this much importance, what level of honor is given to the life-bearer?


A mom has a sacred duty to God. Although the man co-produces the child, it is the mother’s body who houses the baby, feeds it, protects it and ultimately, delivers it. This is a work no substitute can do. It is cherished honor to work hand and hand with God and His creative process.


Mom --- is honored by God and should be honored by all. She may make mistakes, for she is human. She may not be ready to assume this awesome responsibility. She may be unfit to be a mom, but the honor is not ‘Not’ in who she “is or turns out to be”, the honor is in her part to give life!


In honoring MOM, we honor God, for it is God who is working with the mother to create life. In honoring mom, no matter what she may be, we say to God, “thank You, for I exist’.


Thank your mom this Mother’s Day. Thank God for your mom. Be thankful that you had a mother who brought you to term. Even if your life has not turned out exactly how you wished, with the gift of life comes the choice to find salvation in God and ultimately, the perfect life! Is that not worth being thankful for?


If you are a mom, I honor you and send you love. You have become a part of God’s divine plan to create and multiply. No matter if you have made the mistake of aborting your child, or felt the pain of miscarriage, or lost a child, or have your child with you in any capacity; life began when God breathe His Spirit into that form and that child is eternal. If that life was sadly cut short, know that he/she exist on the other side of perfection!


I salute you. I honor you. I love you.


To moms everywhere, God Bless You, and He has, for you have gained this title. To everyone else, God Bless You, for you have been blessed with a mom who gave you life. And your life matters! It is sacred!


God Bless you all this Mother’s Day. I pray that you see the depths of God’s love for you in the mother you were created from and/or the life you created. It is truly an honor to know that you are a huge part of God’s Master Plan!


Happy Mother’s Day and God Bless.

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