Friday, May 10, 2013

Labor Of Love


Ruth trusted the LORD and He led her to her Boaz, a man who also sought after God. Boaz loved Ruth, but risked losing her to gain her hand in the proper manner. Boaz revealed his godly character and demonstrated to Ruth that he was willing to do whatever it took to win her hand.

Boaz was not just a man of words, but of action. His actions were not merely dinner and a movie, or a trip or jewels. Boaz backed up his heart with his reputation, his wallet and his integrity. Ruth had found her match and God was the match-maker. This was not the first time God directed true love.

In the Book of Genesis, we find God speaking to Jacob is chapter 28. God promises to bless Jacob and his descendants by multiplying them and giving them the lad before him. He also promises to be with Jacob and never leave him and will accomplish all the he promised.

Soon after, Jacob ‘happens’ to meet Rachel. Rachel, like Ruth, was also a hard worker; a shepherdess by trade. Jacob immediately falls in love and ask Rachel’s father, Laban, for her hand in marriage. Laban agrees….but only….if Jacob will work and serve him for seven years.

Let me ask you a question.

Why on earth would Jacob agree to; not just wait seven years for this woman, but ‘labor’ while he waits? Would your potential Boaz wait that long, let alone, work and prepare while he’s waiting for you?

Jacob must really loved Rachel. He must have also really trusted God. Remember that God promised to bless him with descendants. It is obvious that Jacob thought or knew she was the ‘ONE”!
Jacob worked seven years for Laban and scripture says, it felt like a few days, to Jacob! Talk about enjoying your work! Although, I think he was more enjoying the thought of marrying Rachel.

Laban throws a huge party and Jacob must have had a little too much to drink, because when he woke up, he realizes that Laban did a ‘bait and switch’. It was not Rachel beside Jacob in the bed, but her sister Leah!

What’s Jacob to do?! Leave this crazy family and accept his losses? Kidnap Rachel and take off? Get mad at God cause things didn’t work out? Just plain give up?


Jacob agrees to ‘another seven years’ of work and wait for Rachel! What?! Talk about commitment! Remember, these two aren’t even married! If Jacob was willing to do all this for Rachel, imagine how he would act ‘AFTER’ the wedding!

After another seven years, 14yrs total, Jacob is finally allowed to marry Rachel. As it turned out, Laban once more revealed himself to be a less than honest guy after Jacob married Rachel, but our focus is on the, now, happy couple.

Is your Boaz laboring like Jacob to win your heart? Is he patient and honest and willing to wait, not only to prove himself to you, but to build up trust in your heart?

Or is he rushing you; making threats and demands? Is he the type of man that tells you; “if you love me, you’d do it”? Is he showing you how ‘little’ he is willing to wait for you? Or are his true colors during the waiting period more like Laban? Dishonest, underhanded, abusive and/or selfish?

God has a plan for you like He had for Jacob. God ‘also” has a plan for your Boaz…and it involves “YOU”! Trusting God and recognizing God’s match for you will bless your life!

It may not come on your time schedule. It didn’t for Jacob. It may not be easy. It wasn’t for Jacob. You may have to keep your eyes and ears open. Jacob did. A curve ball or two may interfere, forcing you to make tough decisions. Jacob was hit by this.

But in the end, ask Jacob was it worth it!

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