Thursday, May 30, 2013

Think Like A Queen


The concept of Waiting On Your Boaz is found in the Book Of Ruth, but an essential part of that journey begins with you. To help get your mindset correct, let’s look at another book of the Bible showcasing yet another strong woman; The Book Of Esther.

Esther, like Ruth, was also found alone and an outsider. She was picked by the King to become a queen. Esther’s fate is once more example of how God guides and directs those who love Him, not only for their benefit, but also for His purposes.

In Esther’s case, she uncovered a plot to exterminate the Jews, which were her people, unbeknownst to the King. Because of her position, she was able to get the King to halt this evil plan and punish those responsible, saving herself and her people.

When Esther questioned ‘what could someone like her accomplish?’ her cousin Mordecai replied, “Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Mordecai’s statement should resonate with one of us, for none of us know whether what we have been through or where we are currently is for “such a time as this”. The ‘time’ could be anything that God has purposed for us and we, like Esther, must be ready to do our part.

When focusing on your ‘Boaz”, you must also be ready, for you do know when that time may come.

How can you be ready? I’m sure you will agree that there are a million ways you can think of to improve yourselves in all kinds of areas. For an example, let’s look at what it took Esther to become Queen.

1. Esther was a virgin. If you have already lost your virginity, be it through marriage or not, it’s never too late for purity! Your Boaz wants a woman whom he can trust to be pure and stay faithful to him.

2. Esther received 12 months of beauty treatments. Wow! I admit this may be a little over the top, but realistically, should you not try to look your best everyday? I’m not talking beauty queen good, but let your appearance show that you care about yourself.

3. Part of Esther’s treatments were lovely smelling perfumes. A sweet smelling woman turns the heads of any man with a nose. If you cannot afford perfumes, make sure you smell and look clean.

4. Esther wore royal robes. Your wardrobe may not be royal or the latest fashion, but whatever you have to work with, work it! Again, I’m pointing to taking care of yourself, putting your best forward. If you look like you don’t care or have given up on yourself, the Boaz you want will not notice you.

5. Esther was bold and brave. Since it was unlawful to see the King unannounced; Esther put herself in danger to risk trying to save her people. But she did so anyway with her famous line:

“I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”

This took a tremendous amount of courage on Esther’s part! You too must muster up the courage to meet new people and be noticed. We all want to guard our feelings, but sometimes you must open up. Many have been burned in the past, but you too must trust that this is a new time…“Who knows whether you have come to this point for such a time as this?”

Remember, God is the director. You must just prepare and play your part. Let God lead as you follow and see what happens.

Think like the Queen you are!

1 comment:

  1. I like this Post! To many of us women have not been taught this mindset.
