Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pray4i Project

Pray4i Project

Scientific studies have been made to lend proof to what Christians have known from the beginning: Prayer Works!

In the most widely publicized studies of the effect of intercessory prayer, cardiologist Randolph Byrd studied 393 patients admitted to the coronary-care unit at San Francisco General Hospital. Some were prayed for by home-prayer groups, others were not. All the men and women got medical care. In this randomized, double-blind study, neither the doctors and nurses nor the patients knew who would be the object of prayer.

The results were dramatic and surprised many scientists. The men and women whose medical care was supplemented with prayer needed fewer drugs and spent less time on ventilators. They also fared better overall than their counterparts who received medical care but nothing more. The prayed-for patients were: Significantly less likely to require antibiotics (3 patients versus 16) Significantly less likely to develop pulmonary edema-a condition in which the lungs fill with fluid because the heart cannot pump properly (6 versus 18). Significantly less likely to require insertion of a tube into the throat to assist breathing (0 versus 12). Less likely to die.

Even more incredible experiments in distance healing involve nonhuman subjects. In a survey of 131 controlled experiments on spiritual healing, it was found that prayed-for rye grass grew taller; prayed-for yeast resisted the toxic effects of cyanide; prayed-for test-tube bacteria grew faster. "I adore these experiments," says Larry Dossey, M.D., perhaps the world's most vocal expert on prayer and medicine. "Because they don't involve humans, you can run them with fanatical precision and you can run them hundreds of times. It's the best evidence of all that prayer can change the world. And it operates as strongly on the other side of the Earth as it does at the bedside."

I believe in Prayer and am looking for those who believe as I do to help with a monumental project I am daring to undertake: ‘Pray4i’. The Pray4i project is Prayer Project. My goal is make a collection of prayers for a variety of people and circumstances. These prayers would then be accessible by people who need a specific type of prayer. The format would be in print or media.

We have all seen books on prayer or sites that have prayer request where you request prayer and someone post, “In Jesus Name, Lord help this person with such and such.” This is great, but I want to make prayer readily accessible to people who need prayer, like, yesterday!

Wouldn’t it be great for a mother to have a collection of prayers for teen children that only a mother would pray? These would be at her fingertips 24/7. No need to post online and wait for a response or trying to hunt down prayer groups to start a prayer chain. (Which, again, I think is great also) Pray4i is basically ‘prayer in your pocket’.

If you will support what I’m trying to do and can write a prayer 725-750 words (about as long as this post), please feel free to write your prayer. Start with a topic, (Teen Boy, Husbands, Success, Healing, Guidance, etc) then write a lengthy prayer. (I’m not looking for short prayer, because I want deep thought and careful consideration into the prayer) Place yourself in the shoes you are writing the prayer for. Lastly, write the prayer in the plural (WE). The recipient should feel like they are being prayed ‘with’ and not just ‘for’.

All prayers will become property of the Pray4i project, so if you don’t want to post anything, it’s okay; just enjoy what does get posted.  Together we can be a blessing to many people who long to have someone to pray effectively with.  

My goal is to publish many of the prayers for sale and utilize half of the proceeds to women in under developed countries around the world. I pray I have your help and blessing.

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