Monday, July 15, 2013

Fruit Trees


When I was a teenager, I used to work in the produce department at a local grocery store. A huge part of my training was to identify the many fruits and vegetables that came in weekly. I was also trained to pick out the good from the bad and those which were about to go bad. 

As a Christian, Christ compels up to the same thing in our everyday lives. In the Book Of Matthew, He warns of false teacher and prophets.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
-- Matthew 7:15-20

Although we are to be on the lookout for such people which plot to lead us astray, should we not apply this truth to all areas of our lives? Good food will bring you good results and bad food will bring you bad results. When looking at a home with a neglected outside appearance, chances are the inside is neglected as well. The same standard can be applied to the men that vie for your affection and those who you fall for. A 'good' man will produce good deeds and a 'bad' man will inevitable produce bad things. 

In Genesis 1, God commanded that every living thing will reproduce after its own kind. Dogs have dogs; plants have same plants, fish do not have birds. When dealing with people, similar rules apply. We are born sinful by nature, thus we give birth to sinful thoughts and deeds. This is why Jesus died to set us free from sin's curse and stronghold over us.

Now back to the guys:

“Beware of false guys, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good guy bears good fruit, but a bad guy bears bad fruit. A good guy cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad guy bear good fruit. Every guy that does not bear good fruit should be cut down and tossed aside. Therefore by his fruits you will know your man."

The verse takes on a whole new meaning when you apply this standard to men and not just false prophets. In any case, both the prophet and your potential mate should jump the same hurdle 'BEFORE' you proceed with them. WAIT! Wait and and watch to see what type of 'fruit tree' you are dealing with.

It is the tragedy of the ages that love struck women, the world over, meet and fall in love with a man 'BEFORE' they know what 'fruits' he bears. Many thought they were getting luscious, ripe grapes, but in reality received a mouth full of thorns. 

I have witnessed countless women make 'excuses' for their significant other's bad behavior: "It was my fault", "He's going through a rough time", "He didn't mean to do it", "It was an accident", "He promised it wouldn't happen again", "But I love him".

Sad but true; "If a man tells you by his actions what he's 'REALLY' about, you might want to believe him!" 

Ladies, God gave you great intuition and discernment to know when something is not right! USE IT! When you know in your 'gut'; in your heart that something is wrong, TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS! And if you still refuse to trust your own, God given judgment, use the Word Of God to guide you: 'By his fruit you will know him!"

The first time he lies to you, he's broken trust: he's a LIAR! Time to go! The first time he cheats on you: he's a CHEATER! Time to go! The first time he hit's you; he's an ABUSER! Time to go! The first time he calls you a Bitch; He's DISRESPECTFUL! Time to go! The first time he forces you to do what you do not want to do; he's SELFISH and UNCARING! Time to go! The first time he shows his BAD FRUIT, he's a BAD TREE! TIME TO GO! RUN! DO NOT WALK! RUN TO THE NEAREST EXIT!

Please don't make excuses for his bad behavior because you are 'in love' with the concept of 'being in love'. There is REAL LOVE out there and many more decent and loving men to provide it to you. Don't excuse this bad behavior for any reason. If he promises to change, great! Let him change with someone else. If one apple off a tree poisoned you, would you take a risk a eat another? NO! You would find an apple from a tree other than the one who produced poison fruit.

I'm all for forgiveness and redemption, but I am also for the Word Of God. The same God who forgives, also judges. The same God who shows mercy, does not turn a blind eye to sin. 

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
-- Galatians 6:7-8

Simply put; you receive what you put in/out. This applies to ALL people, Christian or not. So if you reap what you sow with God; why do you make excuses for your love interest? He must also reap the punishments of his action...or how else will he learn? This is NOT a game; it is YOUR LIFE! Please do not take it so lightly.

There are PLENTY of GOOD TREES out there, bearing GOOD FRUIT. Find a man who proves to you continually that his fruit is worth coming back for more. Don't settle for a BAD TREE with BAD FRUIT. Or, like the truth the Word Of God is; YOU .....WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOW! Do Not Be Deceived!

God Bless

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