Sunday, July 21, 2013


Females, Frogs & Fairytales

My 21yr daughter, who is home from college, went to a late movie last night. When she arrived home about 1 AM; instead of coming inside immediately, she called our phone for help. What was the emergency? A toad had come out in the cool of the summer evening and was resting on our door mat!

To me and my wife, this hardly a reason for panic, but for my daughter, the toad might as well have been 40 feet tall! LOL Perhaps the movie she had just seen (Pacific Rim) which had huge amphibious monsters may have played a small role. *wink* 

At first we told her to brush the toad aside with the broom that was by the front door, but she was too afraid to come near the entrance. My now frustrated wife got out of bed and went downstairs and gently swept the toad aside. The toad instinctively jumped into the corner between the door and the house. This was still too close for my daughter who remained paralyzed in the dark walkway.

She called the house phone at least 50 times begging for me to come remove the toad. I urged her to face her fear and...let me get my sleep! LOL My wife yelled at her from the doorway to ignore the toad and come inside. This went on for 30 minutes, until I answered yet another call from my frantic daughter to rescue her from the hideous creature! Begrudgingly, I pulled myself out of my bed and swept the toad out from the corner and into the plants by the house.

The next morning, the whole house had many 'toad jokes' at my daughters expense :) 

 My daughter is usually the one who is the daredevil of my 4 kids. She is always the first to want to do crazy things and take on risky adventures. But this evening, she was conquered by her fear and a toad! What's the deal with females, frogs and fairytales anyway that seem to go hand and hand?

Girls, from an early age, have been brought up to believe that fairytales can indeed come true and anything is possible. There are countless stories about countless princesses finding their princes. The fairytale is the ultimate happy ending where the girls meets her dream guy and lives happily ever after. 

The frog is always the ugly, creepy thing no one desires. Only in the world of fairytale imagination does the hideous frog turn into the handsome prince of the princesses dream. The parable of these fables are that looks can be deceiving and sometimes you must have faith in what you cannot see.

Faith indeed is Biblical, but faith without reason is folly. I recently wrote about putting faith in a 'someone'; and that Someone is God alone! Even God gives us numerous reason for a sound and sane person to place their faith in Him. This is where faith and fairytale part ways. Faith is based on reason; probability; an assumption from where the evidence leads us. Fairytales are stories where anything can happen, even when it's nonsensical. 

The problems girls run into when dealing with the female, frogs and fairytales scenario, is that many women take a frog of a man and keep kissing him, hoping he will turn into a prince. This is not faith or reasonable. Scripture says "Test ALL things; hold fast to what is good" 1 Thessalonians 5:21. God does not want you to think and act in a vacuum. He wants you to 'THINK'! If your 'frog...or toad' not doing 'good' at these 'test', DON'T HOLD ON TO HIM!

Even if fairytales did come true; every frog is NOT a prince! 

My daughter, who can be so bold and daring, was brought to a stand still by a little toad! I marveled at how a grown woman could be so unafraid on the one hand and panicked on the other. Then I shuddered. 'I' became uneasy in my own spirit. Why? I worried more about her 'NOT' being afraid of the things she 'SHOULD' over being afraid of things she shouldn't be.

I worry about 'YOU' too. Do you go boldly into situations all reason is telling you that you shouldn't be in? Are the red flags popping up and alarms going off, but you ignore them; chasing the faiytale? Are the things that come up as 'test' being failed, but you still hold fast?

This is what I worry about. God wants the fairytale for you; so do I. But we want you to reach it resonsibly and safely. You cannot hope to find a prince and  live happily ever after when you have just an ordinary frog. Test all things and hold fast to what is good! Fairytales are nice, but truth is nicer. 

God Bless

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