Thursday, July 25, 2013



I remember that moment in my life when I became aware of sinful nature. I mean, I had always been aware of the bad things I did and the good things I failed to do, but I mean when I became aware of my sins in respect to God. At that moment; I knew I had to repent and turn my life over to God. Jesus became my Savior.

As I grew in my walk with Christ, the words "Lord and Savior" echoed in my spirit. I believed, repented and confessed; accepting Jesus as my Savior. What was missing? I read my Bible, attended church and even got baptized. Bible study, witnessing when I could, praying, tithing, devotionals and more; still, something was missing.

"Lord and Savior".

That was it! By believing and repenting and turning to Jesus for His salvation, I have been saved and born again, but I had 'not' made Him 'Lord' of my life. Although I was a true believer, I had yet to turn over the reigns of my life to Christ. I was still in charge and doing what best seemed right to me.

I found that I was not alone. As I grew in my faith, I saw many who, like myself, who made daily decisions and 'invited' God to come along. The sense that 'God with us' was absent. Sure God was with us, but only when we wanted Him there.

It goes something like this:

"God bless me to get this job". "God heal me of this disease". "God I claim this in the Name of Jesus". and so on.

Don't get me wrong, God 'wants' us to bring our request before Him. What we fail to realize is that our 'request' are just that: 'request'. God is sovereign and does not answer to us, but we to Him. God is not a cosmic genie in a bottle or a heavenly bellhop. God is not your doting grandfather who you can manipulate your charm into getting what you want. God certainly is not your 'Plan B' in case your plans go wrong.

When the disciples asked Jesus how they should pray, Jesus instructed them thus: 

"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." -- Matthew 6:9

"Our Father which art in heaven displays the difference between God and us: 'He-God, we-Not', He-Father, we-Child', He-Heavenly, we-Earthly'. We cannot get this twisted. God is God, we are NOT! Next, Jesus says 'Hallowed by Thy Name". This is to make God's Name HOLY! Many people akin holy to righteous and perfect. A truer definition of holy is 'otherworldly'.  Holy is so far above our comprehension that is off of our thought processes.

Remember the verse in 1 Corinthians 2:9? "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared to those who love him" Everytime I read this verse, I get goose pimples! Imagine the most beautiful, luxurious,  glamorous, expensive, fun, worthwhile, precious and priceless thing you can think of....and it wouldn't come CLOSE to what has prepared for you to come!

Now while you are feasting on that though....GOD'S HOLINESS IN THE SAME! 

You cannot fathom how Holy God is! He and His Holiness are OFF THE CHARTS! It is a wonder that no man could look upon Him without dying? It's not like God says, "Oh, you saw Me, now I have to kill you." No, it's just a result of His Holiness; one glance and INSTANT DEATH!  We need to heed well how we 
view and approach God. 

Lastly, Jesus instructs us to pray, "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."

Does God have a $100,000 job for you in heaven? A Mercedes? A 'cute' guy? 

Could it be that God cares LESS about the things we think are important? Could it be God has a HIGHER purpose for you life that He is cultivating? Could it be that God is more worried about HEAVENLY things and not EARTHLY things? 

My point is that 'BEFORE' you start commanding God around with your brilliant prayers you learned from the guy on television, STOP! and acknowledge God as your Father, acknowledge His supremacy and His holiness and that fact that you have NONE! Look to do HIS WILL and NOT your own.

When you get to thins point, then you will have discovered that 'NOW' Jesus is BOTH your Savior AND your LORD!

Make Christ the Lord of your life! Surrender your whims to Him. Allow Him to be in charge. Seek His face to discover what you should do. Rise and sleep having gone to Him in prayer. Let your life be centered around HIM.

Stop trying to make God be centered around YOUR LIFE. It won' and does not work!

Try as you may, you will fail miserably and be left wondering why things are not working out in your life. You have TWO choices before you: 1. Bow to your Lord on your own. 2. Have God force you to bow; even if your stubborn legs break! But know this one truth:

“‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’ -- Romans 14:11

God Bless

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