Tuesday, August 6, 2013



Since my eldest daughter has been home from college, my dvr television recording have become filled up with shows I've never watched before. On any given week, I've noticed at least 6 episodes of 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians'. There was a time when I didn't know what a Kardashian was! lol Sounded like some exotic animal! When I did find out that they were indeed human, the show still drew little interest for me.

Needless to saw, I in evidently caught an episode here and there by default. I'm still scratching my head at why they are so popular! A dysfunctional, spoiled rich family whose main concern is status and image. Ego trips, alcohol, babies born out of wedlock, over indulgence, lavish trips and of course, money. If this is what turns the viewers on.....that says alot about society.

The Kardashians to me are just another family...just with more money. Seems having money doesn't make one smarter or well behaved; probably the opposite. My grievance is not really with the Kardashians though; it's with those who would 'keep up' with such questionable individuals. Those who live, or wish to live like the Kardashians, I can understand the attraction, but for my brothers and sisters in Christ, I wonder if this is very revealing of the secret 'crush' it has on the world.

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the worldlove for the Father is not in them." and "He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money" ring a bell?

Most of what the Kardashians 'do' is not really a point of contention. Money is not evil, wine is not evil, trips are not evil, having babies is definitely not evil. It's 'how' they do it! This the issue. For God's people to want to 'keep up' with the Kardashians or anyone and anything else who is living opposite of God's instruction, is very telling of who they want to be.

I Corinthians says, "Bad company corrupts good character". This 'soooo' true! So why would anyone want to keep up with the Kardashians? Are they instructing people well? Are they uplifting and edifying one's soul? Are their examples things to be emulated? Do they bring us closer to God and growing up in the right ways?

How about we 'Keep Up With The Trinity', Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Do we even seek after God or are we too busy seeking after the Kardashians or something else? Do we even know where God is working or what He is up to around us and in the world? Or have be closed out hearts to the things God cares about? Why do we concern ourselves with the lives of Kim, Khloe and Kourtney, but ignore the plight of our neighbor in need?

Come on Church! Stand up and 'BE' the Church that we have been called to be! How can we expect anything from God when He cannot look to us to do His will here on earth? We bring our needs and desires before Him daily and prayer, neglecting to ask "What do You want of me O' Lord?".

God was here from eternity; long before the Kardashians and He will be so long after the Kardashians. They are living their life...even if it is they way 'they' see fit...who are ;you' living 'your' life for? The Kardashians will be rewarded in the next life that which they have labored for in this life. What will your reward be at your last breath? Maybe it's time to focus and 'keep up' with God more than you have.

I'm not here to judge the Kardashians or anyone else, but only to wake people up from their slumber; their complacency. We are called to be 'holy'. Holy does not mean perfect or righteous, but separate; other than the rest. The opposite of holy is not sinful, but 'common'. 

Some may think the Kardashian seem separate and other than the rest, but they are the same and common; they just do it up in a bigger way than most of us. To be separate and other is 'opposite' of what the world does. We are to be on God's page and in sync with His heart and desires. We are 'His' people; His children. Let us keep up with our God so that we may join in what He is trying to do.

How about it? I'd rather receive a good rating from God Almighty than to help the Kardashians get good ratings. God may not be showing off His wealth, power and influence, because He doesn't have to; He owns it all! I don't believe that is His concern anyway; 'You Are' His concern. Let's return the thought.

God Bless

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