Monday, November 25, 2013


AS A WOman THinks

Proverbs 23:7
For as she thinks in her heart, so is she.

What do ‘you’ think? What do you think about yourself? What do you think about deep inside your heart? Do you know that you help create your destiny by your thoughts? What a woman holds in her heart, or thinks, has a great effect upon her spiritually, mentally, and physically and will affect all areas of her life…YOUR LIFE!

This proverb has unbelievably huge spiritual and universal implications. This wisdom of truth from God acts as a universal law. No matter what race, gender, social status, origin of birth or education level, it hits the mark every time!

Some call it the law of attraction. In 1937 Napoleon Hill wrote a book based on this principle called, “Think And Grow Rich”. It sold millions globally and is still selling today. Why? Because it works!


That’s it in a nutshell. In its simplest form: You are what you ‘think’ you are. It doesn’t matter if what you think you are is correct or incorrect, self-labeled or something you believed from another. If you accept something as true in your thinking, you begin to act upon it, and soon, you will become what you think about yourself.

These are not random thoughts that the Bible is talking about, but deep rooted thoughts that have set up a home for inside your heart. These are the thoughts that you guard with your very life. These are the thoughts you fight for and sometimes even die for. These thoughts are what makes you…YOU!

The most astounding thing is that it works for your good or bad, it has not prejudice. What is more amazing is; “YOU can control what you think deep in your heart!”

STOP! Letting your negative and wrong thinking continue to rule in your life and bring hardship upon you. We ALL could use change; if only to make things better. Every time you think it may be possible and you let your negative thoughts creep back in and steal your hope, you lose! When you believe that what you have now is all you can ever hope to obtain, you lose! When you tell yourself every excuse not to try or to stop hoping, you lose! You have to change your thinking to win!

Think about positive changes you want to see in your life. Do this daily and meditate on it and live it out. See this being lived out in your life and practice it daily. When you have the first change deep-rooted, self-fulfilling and noticeable, go back and pick another positive thing to change or add to your life.
Truth is, you can shape and re-shape your whole life! Whatever you desire can be at your fingertips! You will inevitably move towards that which you think about on a consistent and persistent basis.

Try something simple for starters and see how it works. When you see this working, try the next great thought and then go bigger. Give it a month or more to test this theory. What do you have to lose? But negative thoughts!

Try It and tell me what happens!

God Bless,

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