Friday, November 8, 2013



There are many lessons that could be taught from the The Book Of Ruth. We can point to Ruth’s determination and faith. We could look at Boaz’s redemptive qualities. We can speak of God’s hand moving and directing the circumstances unawares. But what about Naomi? What can we learn from the role she played?

Naomi was from Bethlehem, of the tribe of Judah. She followed her husband to Moab where one of her sons met and married Ruth. When her two sons had died, she was left alone with only her two daughter-in-laws. Of those two, it was Ruth that refused to leave Naomi’s side.

As one could imagine, Naomi was feeling extremely depressed having lost her husbands, her only two sons and a daughter-in-law. Although Ruth’s persistence in joining her gave her some comfort, she dreaded the future for the both of them.

Once back in Bethlehem, Naomi’s old friends greeted them excitedly. Naomi however, was less than enthusiastic. She tells her friends to long call her Naomi, but Mara because, “The Almighty has afflicted and dealt bitterly with her”.

Naomi sends Ruth out gather barley so they could eat and is excited to learn that Ruth has found favor with one of her relatives, Boaz, to glean for grain in his fields. Naomi sees this meeting as a chance to offer Ruth the security and love that she had lost upon the death of her son. She concocts a plan to help Ruth win the heart of Boaz.

Naomi’s plan works like a charm! Boaz falls head over heels for Ruth and makes all the necessary arrangements and sacrifices to make Ruth his wife. Ruth later conceives a baby boy and names him Obed. Naomi’s friends say to her in praise, “Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a close relative; and may his name be famous in Israel!”

Obed’s name did indeed become famous in Israel. Obed begot Jesses, and Jesse begot David. Jesus Christ, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah, would be descended from this royal blood line. What Naomi saw as a curse and affliction, was in reality God’s providence, guiding her to engineer the course of history to make way for the greatest miracle in existence.

Perhaps you too have felt like Naomi? Many times it can feel like everything has gone wrong and God is afflicting use and dealing us a better deck of cards. It would seem that all the ‘other’ Ruths are finding their Boaz and the Boazs are finding their Ruths, while you receive the death of one joy after another.

Naomi’s losses gave way to sadness, hopelessness and bitterness. Have you become ‘Mara’ or ‘Marred’ by life’s setbacks? God revealed that He was never far from Naomi, working behind the scenes. She simply failed to see Him through the tears.

God deals with you no differently. Although it nay seem at times as if everything is going wrong and nothing is going right. As if the whole world seems to be against you as everything works out great for everybody but you. God is still at work in your life! He is guiding and directing for an outcome you could not expect or imagine!

Have patience and trust God. Lean not on your own understanding and wait on the Lord. As with Naomi, God has already delivered to you the miracle that Naomi had a hand in; Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

The Book Of Ruth was written 1010 BC. It is as if God has left you yet another trail of bread crumbs, straight to Jesus. God is telling you, “Don’t worry, I have not forsaken or forgotten you; I got you!”

Trust God, even when it makes little sense to do so. Trust Him through the heartache, pain and disappointments of life. Trust in what you cannot see; the future! God neither sleeps nor slumbers. He is on the job 24/7 and He is watching over you for good.

God Bless

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