Friday, August 16, 2013


I have heard this verse many times and like many of you, understood it's meaning. Almost like another well know verse, "It is better to give than receive", the First and Last points out that is better to be humble, serve and put yourself last than it is to be first. Those who strive to be first have a good chance to wind up last in God's eyes.

It's not that God does not want successful people; He wants people worthy of success. What's the difference you say? Anyone can be successful at a variety of things. With hard work, dedication, some ingenuity, resources and opportunity, success is within reach. By that standard, a drug deal may be considered successful, and there are those who think they are. 

Being worthy of success is altogether another matter. God is more concerned with your attitude and ethics way more than your purse or wallet. A person worthy of success is one whom God blesses with all the things that brings success because your are trustworthy. When you do it God's way and not the world's way, you will go a lot farther, stay there a lot longer, enjoy it more and have more peace and contentment.

So what does this have to do with you? Or where does this fit in on a "Wait On Your Boaz" page? Simply put, get your eyes off yourself and onto what God cares about. Serve and step to the back of the line and let God take care of your wants and desire. Have you ever noticed that in many areas, the harder you try to achieve something, the more difficult it becomes? This is because you are using your 'own' muscle and not God's!

When God is let into the picture, it is He who does the heavy lifting. This is why Jesus said to "Take My yoke, for it is easy and my burned is light". This is why "The First will be last and the last will be first." It is God who exalts and open and closes doors. Even when looking for your 'Boaz', you will have trouble finding him because you are too busy 'TRYING' to find Him!

Being last is a position we all have been raised not to desire. Intentionally placing ourselves last seems contrary to every fiber of our being. We want success and an abundant life and know to get it, you must be number one! This is true and false. LOL 

Being number one is relative. What does being number one mean? It is the strongest? The smartest? The prettiest? The wealthiest? I guess it would depend on the measuring stick you use. Let's focus on the measuring stick God uses for a bit.

God says in His word, "The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." So if God is looking at your heart for greatness, make sure your heart is the best thing going for you! And a heart for God.....goes last!

It's not only God's test for future exhalation  It's also very practical from a human standpoint also. For example; if you put yourself last at the work place; you work hard, you strive to make your boss and company look and be the best it can be; you do everything without complaining, not worrying about fair treatment or recognition, I guarantee, somewhere along they way, the boss or others will see your example and gravitate towards it. You will become the 'go to' gal/guy and doors to success will open up.

Likewise, those who are searching for a mate need to stop searching. Let's say you concentrated on serving others and the community. You walk in and out with a smile on your face and a kind word to all. You are involved in the lives and problems of others. Never complaining about what you didn't get or don't have, but content. It will not be long when 'good' men start to become attracted to such inner strength, peace and joy!

If you still question if this really works in true life, I offer to you one last example; Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many."

What made Jesus life so extraordinary that even after 2000yrs, people, religious or not are mesmerized and attracted to Him? Savior of the world you say? Maybe, but that is only for the religious. It was His 'service'! He has such authority and a presence that we call today, charisma. Only difference is, Jesus didn't use this inner attraction for fame, fortune or power.

Jesus spent His life, giving Himself away to others. He was the Master at putting Himself last and in Heaven and on Earth gained a Name that is above every name! If you want to learn the secret of the 'First and Last', learn from the Master!

God Bless

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