Friday, August 9, 2013



What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied My Name.
-- Revelation 3:7-13

This is part of Christ revelation to the churches. Notice that He opens and shuts door that will be irreversible for anyone to open or shut. He alone has the strength and power to accomplish this. Notice also, He is addressing those who are faithful to His word and honors His Name.

If you are walking faithful with Christ, He will do the same for you. He will open doors to you by His power. People, places and things you desire and need, will be brought into your life. He will also protect and guide you by closing doors that are hazardous to your life and your Christian walk.

This is God’s love and faithfulness in action. This is royal treatment! As you know, not everyone receives such favor; only those who have paid the price to be showered with such favor.

You may be wondering why you didn’t get that promotion or why it didn’t work out. Why did your Boaz turn out to be Mr. wrong? Why haven’t you accomplished your dreams you set out accomplish.

This it could simply be because you are not fully walking the in the way that you should, or it could be that God is protecting you from even yourself. Perhaps He has something greater down the road, so He must close all other doors to send you through that special door.

There are variables to be considered, but one thing remains true. It begins and ends with your walk with Christ. It is in direct correspondence with your praise, worship, integrity, obedience, humility, seeking God and everything else that is required of you and not doing things which are forbidden.

I’m not talking about salvation. God has grace enough to bring you into His kingdom. Jesus death, burial and resurrection accomplished this. No’ I’m talking Favor and Blessing. Open doors and closed ones for protection.

You have a choice. Jesus is waiting with His hands on the doorknobs that lead to abundance and keeps you from disaster. Or you settle for the third option, which is to remain in the hallway of mediocrity and mundane, never tasting the beautiful blessing that God has behind those doors for you.

In the words of Kevin O Leary from one of favorite shows, The Shark Tank, “What Are You Going To Do”?

God Bless 

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