Monday, June 10, 2013

Recognizing Boaz

Recognizing Your Boaz

So, you decided to Wait On Your Boaz. You have read about Ruth and Boaz, read blog post from Wait On Your Boaz, preparing yourself to receive your Boaz and prayed to God to send you your Boaz. Now What?

In order to receive who God has for you, you have to know what to look for. Many women complain that there are no ‘good me’ out here for them, when in reality, many women pass up the good men for the jerks because they cannot tell the difference.

Your Boaz should NOT be just about good looks, a nice smile, smooth words, nice job and car, muscular build, fashionable clothes and big connections. If he does have all that, great! But that is NOT what you should be looking for.

If you want to recognize the guy that God is sending you, you must think like God. How does God choose? Let’s look at what God said to Samuel when He was selecting a king for Israel.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not 
see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the
Lord looks at the heart.”

I Samuel 16:7

God knows looks can be deceiving and chances are, most guys in general tend to put their best foot forward to get you hooked. It is only too often that the ‘now’ love struck woman finds out his true colors down the road.

So let’s look at some guidelines to look for when waiting for your Boaz.

  1. Christian. Make sure your potential Boaz is a practicing Christian. I’ve stated good reasons for the ‘why’. A man who is accountable to God will be much more likely to treat and respect you in a godly manner than one who is not.

I ‘do’ want to point out the ‘making sure’ of his Christian status. Anyone can talk a good game and this is why ‘waiting’ is imperative. Wait and observe how deep his Christianity goes. Does it show only when you are around, or is it full on all the time? Does he pray with you? Read the Bible with you? Attend church with you? Is he respecting you according to God’s standards? And everyone else? Wait and watch and all will be revealed.

  1. Affectionate. Love and affection are extremely important in any          
Relationship. Your potential Boaz should be ‘loving’ and looking to give his love away to you. Under God, you should be a major priority in his life.

Don’t fool yourself by making excuses why he cannot treat you the way you deserve to be treated. There is NO excuse for abuse and neglect. Let me clarify that; men ‘make’ excuses, but you should NOT accept excuses for abusive and neglectful behavior. God will NEVER send you an abusive and neglectful man from Himself.

  1. Work Ethic. Is this soon to be Boaz a worker? Can he provide? Is
he a hard and consistent worker? Or does he make excuses for why he cannot get his life together?

If your Boaz cannot work steady or makes excuses for why he cannot work, what will happen when he becomes your mate? Make sure your Boaz, or potential Boaz has a J-O-B and works hard for himself and his future, because that future may some day include you.

  1. Life Goals. Your Boaz and you should share similar goals; at least
Goals that move you in the same direction. You cannot hope to succeed if you have two different visions and moving in two different directions.

If you want a family, a nice home, maybe some vacation time; it will not work if your Boaz wants no kids or cannot control his finances. What if he is consumed with ambition? You may find yourself and your dreams being placed on the back burner.

Take your time and discuss his past, present and future. Find out where he’s been, where he’s at now and where he sees himself in the future. Go slow so you can observe things clearly.

These are some basic things to look for. God will not send you dysfunction or confusion. He will not send abuse and neglect. He will not sent you selfishness or immorality. God looks at the heart and He will not send you a Boaz whose heart is not ready to be with you.

Your job is to WAIT! Wait and go slow with open eyes. PURPOSELY look and check to see if your potential Boaz is the real deal and not an imitator. If God has kept you waiting for your Boaz, a little more waiting will not hurt the outcome. Waiting will only reveal what is hidden.

“For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open,”

Mark 4:22

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