Thursday, June 13, 2013

Never Too Late

Never Too Late

When I write about Waiting On Your Boaz, I often hear from those who feel that it may be too late for them to find such a mate. I believe that nothing is impossible for God so we must not count Him out. After all, it is God who orders our steps.

Look at Ruth and Boaz. I’m sure Ruth thought it was too late for her having been married and widowed. She was not ‘as’ young as a new bride would be and she was a widow; not what one many men would want in a ‘new’ bride.

Boaz, on the other hand seems to have never been married. He was past His prime and much older than even Ruth. I’m sure he had put away all hope of finding the young wife of his dreams, let alone one young enough to still bear children.

So we have two people, who by all accounts of the times, had given up on love. But there was One who never gave up. There was One who was always at work; God!

As you wait and pray and pray and wait, who knows what God is working behind the scenes? Whether you are 18, 28, 48 or older, single or divorced, struggling with life or not, God has a plan for your life and it just may include your Boaz!

It’s Never too late for God! He may not come exactly when you want, but He’s always on time!

Perhaps there are loose ends He has to tie up. Maybe you are not ready to receive your Boaz or your Boaz needs a little more work. Could it be He has to move some people out of your life? People you don’t want to let go of? Maybe you are just not paying attention to the Boaz God has sent you.

Whatever the possible reasons, one thing is for sure; it’s never too late for God to work in your life. Your job is to keep your eyes on the Lord and walk with Him faithfully. Let God do His work in His timing.

Ruth had to go through the death of her first husband to get to her match. Boaz waited what must have seemed an eternity and probably had given up already. God was working; and God is working on your behalf.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.”

Romans 8:28

This is such a comforting verse! It says that your pain, your suffering, your struggles and experiences are not wasted! If you love God and are called to His purposes (not yours), He is busy making sure everything you go through is applied towards your good.

If your Boaz would be a ‘good’ thing for you, rest assured; God is on the job! He is working on your behalf. He is inching you ever so closer to what He has for you.

Question is;
How much work does He have to do to make things happen for you?

I believe, though God is sovereign, He gives us free will and works with our choices. I believe we “increase” or “decrease” His good work on our behalf by our actions and choices.

God has a plan for each of us and imagine it looks like a super highway and along the way are our ‘good’ destinations He has for us. He puts us in the drivers seat and gives us directions. As we drive, we get detracted and miss our exits.

If you’ve ever missed and exit, you know you must jump off the next exit, double back and try to find your way back on the correct direction. Same with life; when we miss God’s exit, we miss or delay what He has or had for us.

It’s never too late, but it sure puts us way behind schedule! So don’t give up. Stay in the driver’s seat and fix your eyes of God for direction and let Him lead you and tell you what exits to take and what places to stop.

If you find yourself lost; take a deep breathe, jump off the next exit, double back and begin again. It’s never too late!

God Bless

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