Sunday, June 2, 2013

Let's Get Real!


Can I get real with you? Can I open my heart to you? Can I put it all out there for you? Can I let you into my head and heart?

There was a time that I was as far from God as anyone else. A time when I lived for myself, did what I want, answering to no one. There was a time when I was on my own path; the path that leads to destruction and pain.

I remember thinking life was at its greatest when I was my worse.

Slowly, my God began to call me to Him. It was rough and I fought it every step of the way, but God doesn’t give up easily. I remember when the world I created came crashing down.

I went from being my own little king to the king of sorrow. I remember the night I threatened to take my own life in blind anger and drunkenness. I remember being rushed to the emergency room and told I may not make it.

May not make it? What?! Oh, no! I know what I said and did, but….death….is final. “Oh God help me! I’m sorry.”

I remember getting real with God that night. I remember how He worked a miracle and saved me! I gave Him my life and began to walk as a new creation.

I wish I could tell you that I was a stellar Christian, but I can’t. it’s not for lack of trying. It’s just that I still had so many of my old ways still hanging in the closet. I remember backsliding fast and wondering if I was even a true child of God.

Thank God Jesus said, “Whom the Father has given Me are Mine and no one is able to pluck them from My hand. I will not lose one.”

Thank You Jesus.

My new low brought me to my knees. I cried out to God that if He’d still have me, I would serve Him. I asked for a perfect mate to begin a new life with and to start a family with.

As before, God worked a miracle again! He moved me hundreds of mile away and gave me that helpmate and we started that family and He blessed us abundantly!

A nice home, cars, money, more children. God built us up and kept us safe. A great church, godly family and beautiful friends. What more could I ask for?

And true to my word, I was faithful…until… Until I took my eyes off my Savior and onto myself and the world. Until the blessings became more important than the Bless-Or. Until pride and arrogance set up a temple in my body and defiled the temple of God.

“Whoever defiles the temple of God will be destroyed!”

So God began to destroy me.

First it was loss of money and possessions. Then my health was attacked. My family relationship strained. I cried out to God..WHY?!
Why have you walked away from me?!

“I never walked away from you. You walked away from Me.”

…”I know…and I’m sorry.”

How could this happen? How could I be so dumb? How could I keep screwing up so much?

Why does He love me like He does?

Again, God rescued me. He saved me! He picked me up and washed me clean. He threw His arms around me and hugged me tightly. He put a new ring on my finger and robe on my back and slaughtered the fatted calf. He called me …son.

Oh how I love Him. My Father God. My Savior God. My Helper God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit…my awesome and glorious, true and living God! Hallelujah!

Now I sit here being real with you. Real with you about being real with God. It doesn’t matter where you have come from or where you are at. Yesterday is past and the present is right behind it. Today is the day to get real with God. Humble yourself and go to Him. He’s waiting to love on you like you can’t understand.
He knows your wants. He knows your needs. He knows your weaknesses. He knows dreams. He knows YOU! And you…. Are the Apple Of His Eye!

You want your Boaz? Good. But find the Bless-Or and don’t get caught up in chasing the blessing. God has many gifts He wants to shower on you, but the greatest gift is God Himself.

Take the lessons of my life to heed. God is the ultimate prize in this life and the life to come. He is Beautiful, Loving, Graceful and Merciful. He is Forgiving and Faithful…even when we are not. He longs to build a relationship with you and to continue in it.

He is the ULTIMATE BOAZ. He is the ULTIMATE HUSBAND, Friend, Lover, Confidant, Teacher, Guide and Master. When you have Him, you have everything. Walk close to Him and He will give you everything else. When you stray, He is waiting to take you back…again, and again, again.

God Bless You.

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