Friday, June 28, 2013



Imagine the perfect mate; the perfect income; the perfect health; the perfect home; the perfect food; the perfect world; the perfect everything! Now imagine what God is trying to tell us here: 

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
1 Corinthians 2:9

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How To Suffer

How To Suffer

It never ceases to amaze me on how many sermons and Christian messages speak about positive confession, name it and claim it, prosperity, health, wealth, victory and blessing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for much of those and would love to see more, but what about ‘suffering’? Seems no one is too eager to speak about suffering and if they do, it’s usually in the context that God doesn’t want us to suffer and that everything should be the above mentioned ‘wish list’.

When I read my Bible, I see a much different picture. Again, don’t misunderstand me; God does not ‘enjoy’ when we suffer and ‘does’ want us to be over comers and victorious, BUT,,,that’s not all we have been called to be as Christians.

As a Christian, you are called to be ‘LIKE’ Christ, in ‘EVERYTHING’! Christ suffered and so we too, have been called to suffer as well.

I know this is not a pleasant thing because suffering is!
Although God did not produce suffering (sin did), God allows and uses suffering to accomplish His purposes and one of those purposes is make you ‘like’ Christ.

Suffering goes way back to Adam and Eve when, because of their sin and rebellion, mankind reaped what it had sown. Suffering is to be human! Teaching out of suffering is God.

And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. 

So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. Your garments did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years.

Deuteronomy 8:2-4

“To humble, to test, to know” These are some of the lessons God taught the Israelites through suffering in the wilderness.

In a Christian context, the Earth is the Wilderness. Just as our forefathers, we too are roaming through a vast wilderness on our journey to our Promised Land; Heaven!

Our suffering accomplishes the same things it did then. We are being humbled and tested and discovering what is in our hearts in regard to ourselves and love and obedience towards God.

Jesus did not come to remove suffering, for it was He who said:

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

The Apostle Paul, who was no stranger to suffering wrote in Philippians that we are to ‘suffer for His sake’. He points out that Jesus became a servant and humbled Himself obediently, even to the point of death and we are to do likewise.

We are told to do all things without complaining and put no confidence in ourselves so that we may be lights to a crooked generation.

Remember when Jesus said “what good is it to return good for good? Even the sinners do that”? Likewise, when we suffer without complaint and trust God regardless of what we are going through, the world around us sits up and takes notice!

Paul goes on to say that we should ‘forget those things which are behind us and reach forward to the things which lie ahead.’ We are not to be like those who are lost and blinded and only have their minds on earthly things.

“Therefore let us, as many are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, ‘God will reveal even this to you’.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Knowing; ‘you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.’
Philippians 3:15, 4:6,7, 13

I know you don’t want to hear that it is your destiny to suffer, if we keep this in mind, we may bear it more effectively. We will also learn to not hold on so tightly to the things of this world and put God and things above all.

It’s not just about “Waiting For Your Boaz’, it’s about growing up in Christ. God loves you and wants the Best for you; as do I. Knowledge is power and there is power in God, so learn Him well.

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. 

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

1 Peter 4:12-19 & James 1:2-4

God Bless

Saturday, June 22, 2013

As Yourself

As You Love Yourself

When Jesus was asked what was the greatest commandment in the Law, He responded with this:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

First, we must start with God Himself. God ‘IS’ Love. He Loves you and created you. He became a human to die for you; to save you. He watches over you, blesses you, disciplines you, listens to you, answers you, provides for you and more…ALL out of LOVE! Discover how God loves you and what love looks like, then discover how to return it as commanded.

The commands seem simple enough on the surface. Of course we should love God and our neighbor. Beneath the surface lies a wealth of truth that we should look at.

The heart is the emotional seat of our being. To Lord the Lord with all our heart is to fall in love with God. Not half our heart, not 95% of our heart, but ‘ALL’ our heart!

God wants ALL your love. 100% sold out love for Him. Why? Because He loves you 100%! Any perfect relationship can only exist when both parties are 100% into each other.

I’ve heard many a person say relationships are supposed to be 50/50. I believe this is a tragic error, because it leaves 50% of selfishness, bad behavior, laziness, unfaithfulness and whatever else you sqeeze into that 50% space.

To have a mate who is for you 100%; 100% of the time, is something heavenly! If you look out for your mate; his heart, his needs, his fears, his dreams; 100% of everything…’AND’….he is doing the same for you, you have paradise on earth! You have his back and seek to please him and uplift him and he seeks to please and uplift you!

Incidentally, this is the relationship which exist in the Trinity. The Father exalts the Son and the Spirit. Jesus exalts the Father and Spirit. The Holy Spirit exalts the Father and Son. Each in a sense, submits to the other in love. PERFECTION!

To love God with all your soul is to yield your spiritual self to God. This is where your faith, obedience and faithfulness to God is maintained. Jesus said “If you love Me, you would obey My commands.” It is the giving of yourself; your soul to God.

Next we have loving God with all your mind. Your mind; your intellect is where your decision process is made. To love God with your mind is to mentally submit to God. To acknowledge that ‘He Is’. In ‘real’ acknowledgement, your every action will show or disprove how well you actually ‘believe, submit and acknowledge’ your God.

Lastly, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.

Loving your neighbor sounds easy, but some of you can’t even bring yourself to full love yourself! For whatever reason, you still believe what others have said about you; not pretty enough, too fat or skinny, not smart enough, too many mistakes, shamed by the past, etc. Some of you have been beat down by life until you believe the circumstances more than you God, hence don’t love yourself.

I think that is why the commands are stated in that ‘VERY’ order: ‘Love God, Love Yourself, Love Your Neighbor. I know to some of you it looks like the ‘neighbor’ is second, but it actually says; ‘Love your neighbor AS yourself’, placing love for yourself FIRST so that you can properly love your neighbor and placing Loving God above you so you can learn HOW to love yourself.

This is God’s design!

  1. Discover God’s Love for you and the way He Loves.
  2. After you learn and realize this love, return it to God.
  3. Because you now love God and knows He loves you, you can properly gain a healthy and ‘right’ love for yourself.
  4. With God’s Love and you loving God and yourself, you can now ‘properly’ love others.
  5. Seek out those who have also learned from God how to love so that they can love You ‘Properly’; ESPECIALLY Your Boaz!

See the outline? If you get any of these out of order, the ‘love’ you are looking for, feeling and giving, is distorted.

Some of you can’t find love because you don’t know what love looks or feels like. Some are scared because they were taught something ‘else’ from someone who told them or showed them a false ‘love’. Many don’t know how to love because they don’t fully love themselves because they haven’t learned from God.

Get to know God’s Love and proceed in the correct order! Until you get this right, your love won’t be heavenly with your Boaz or anyone else for that matter. You can’t love others as yourself until you learn how to love. Discover Love and How to Love from God, Who ‘IS’ Love!

God Bless

Tuesday, June 18, 2013



I got a call today. It was one of those calls you don’t look forward to getting. It started with, “Ive got bad news..” and then proceeded to inform me that my cousin had passed away.

It wasn’t not too long ago that my uncle had passed around the same time as my niece’s father. Seems death is making its rounds and keeping a precise schedule.

I don’t fear death, for we all must die. I mourn for those who have passed also along with their families. I guess what I mourn the most is the thought that they may have never gotten the time to become all they could have been and my fear is the same fate for myself.

This web page is about your Wait For Your Boaz. Waiting is good. Waiting is what God calls us to patiently until He acts. I have no issue with waiting, but LIVE while you wait!

The same God who says “Wait upon the Lord”, is the same God who says, “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”


Don’t just sit around waiting, but live in the moment of who you are and have been called to be “WHILE” you wait! God has blessed you with talents and gifts, both physical and spiritual. Use the abilities He has given you and make your time on earth worthwhile.

All too often we can get caught up in life, never noticing that we are but “EXISTING” and not Living. We go day to day, month to month and year to year just getting by from one day to the next.

I know we all must survive and often that includes the mundane and humdrum. We all must make sacrifices and do what is necessary to care for ourselves and loved ones. Make sure you don’t get lost in the process.

Get to know God and let Him lead you on one adventure after another! Take in the beauty of the world that He has created. Reach out to your fellow life travelers and share in their life’s story. Make a difference wherever and whenever you can.

It doesn’t take much. A gentle word of encouragement or truth. A smile or a good deed. Stopping to admire blooming flowers and stars twinkling in the night sky. Traveling to another land and taking in the culture and sights. Falling in love with God in prayer.

Don’t let the precious hours and days o your short life be wasted; make it count!

Many spend their time complaining about what they lack instead of being thankful for what they “DO” have. Misery and Bitterness only takes away from the good in your life. Let it go! Don’t hold anger inside to eat away at your joy. Don’t let disappointment stifle your faith. Don’t pull back from living instead of moving always forward.

Life here is fleeting. It’s not a matter of how long you will live, but what will you fill that time with?

Everyday God gives us a check to cash; some big, some smaller. We decide to accept it and if we will cash it. Some simply throw it away, not believing its value. Others put it in on a shelf and it’s forgotten. Still others accept it but are too afraid to cash it in. Then there are those who take  it and cash it in.

What are you doing with the checks God is sending you?

Waiting for your Boaz to show up is a good thing. But LIVING for the God who HAS SHOWN UP is better! God has blessed you with life; use it! Jesus died so that you may have life; use it!

“I am come so that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”

John 10:10

God Bless.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day God!

Happy Fathers Day > FATHER GOD!

Lord, Happy Father's Day! No Father can compare to your Goodness, Mercy and Faithfulness. It was You Father, who first loved us and showed us how to love and what it looked like. You ARE Love! You, Lord are the Forgiver if sin and Grantor of Eternal Life! Thank You for Grace and Salvation! 

With You, NOTHING is impossible! For You are the All Powerful, All Knowing, All Present and Unchanging Living God! Before You NO God was formed and after You NO god exist! You Alone are the Most High God!

I bring Worship, Praise and Honor to Your Holy Name! Thank You for Your Son Jesus and His sacrifice. Thank You for Your Instruction and Example. You ARE Life itself!

Though we are but flesh and blood, you love us. We Love YOU! Everyday is Father's Day to You. You are the Father of the Fatherless and Adopter of the sinful. Thank Daddy God! We Adore You!

Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Never Too Late

Never Too Late

When I write about Waiting On Your Boaz, I often hear from those who feel that it may be too late for them to find such a mate. I believe that nothing is impossible for God so we must not count Him out. After all, it is God who orders our steps.

Look at Ruth and Boaz. I’m sure Ruth thought it was too late for her having been married and widowed. She was not ‘as’ young as a new bride would be and she was a widow; not what one many men would want in a ‘new’ bride.

Boaz, on the other hand seems to have never been married. He was past His prime and much older than even Ruth. I’m sure he had put away all hope of finding the young wife of his dreams, let alone one young enough to still bear children.

So we have two people, who by all accounts of the times, had given up on love. But there was One who never gave up. There was One who was always at work; God!

As you wait and pray and pray and wait, who knows what God is working behind the scenes? Whether you are 18, 28, 48 or older, single or divorced, struggling with life or not, God has a plan for your life and it just may include your Boaz!

It’s Never too late for God! He may not come exactly when you want, but He’s always on time!

Perhaps there are loose ends He has to tie up. Maybe you are not ready to receive your Boaz or your Boaz needs a little more work. Could it be He has to move some people out of your life? People you don’t want to let go of? Maybe you are just not paying attention to the Boaz God has sent you.

Whatever the possible reasons, one thing is for sure; it’s never too late for God to work in your life. Your job is to keep your eyes on the Lord and walk with Him faithfully. Let God do His work in His timing.

Ruth had to go through the death of her first husband to get to her match. Boaz waited what must have seemed an eternity and probably had given up already. God was working; and God is working on your behalf.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.”

Romans 8:28

This is such a comforting verse! It says that your pain, your suffering, your struggles and experiences are not wasted! If you love God and are called to His purposes (not yours), He is busy making sure everything you go through is applied towards your good.

If your Boaz would be a ‘good’ thing for you, rest assured; God is on the job! He is working on your behalf. He is inching you ever so closer to what He has for you.

Question is;
How much work does He have to do to make things happen for you?

I believe, though God is sovereign, He gives us free will and works with our choices. I believe we “increase” or “decrease” His good work on our behalf by our actions and choices.

God has a plan for each of us and imagine it looks like a super highway and along the way are our ‘good’ destinations He has for us. He puts us in the drivers seat and gives us directions. As we drive, we get detracted and miss our exits.

If you’ve ever missed and exit, you know you must jump off the next exit, double back and try to find your way back on the correct direction. Same with life; when we miss God’s exit, we miss or delay what He has or had for us.

It’s never too late, but it sure puts us way behind schedule! So don’t give up. Stay in the driver’s seat and fix your eyes of God for direction and let Him lead you and tell you what exits to take and what places to stop.

If you find yourself lost; take a deep breathe, jump off the next exit, double back and begin again. It’s never too late!

God Bless

Monday, June 10, 2013

Recognizing Boaz

Recognizing Your Boaz

So, you decided to Wait On Your Boaz. You have read about Ruth and Boaz, read blog post from Wait On Your Boaz, preparing yourself to receive your Boaz and prayed to God to send you your Boaz. Now What?

In order to receive who God has for you, you have to know what to look for. Many women complain that there are no ‘good me’ out here for them, when in reality, many women pass up the good men for the jerks because they cannot tell the difference.

Your Boaz should NOT be just about good looks, a nice smile, smooth words, nice job and car, muscular build, fashionable clothes and big connections. If he does have all that, great! But that is NOT what you should be looking for.

If you want to recognize the guy that God is sending you, you must think like God. How does God choose? Let’s look at what God said to Samuel when He was selecting a king for Israel.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not 
see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the
Lord looks at the heart.”

I Samuel 16:7

God knows looks can be deceiving and chances are, most guys in general tend to put their best foot forward to get you hooked. It is only too often that the ‘now’ love struck woman finds out his true colors down the road.

So let’s look at some guidelines to look for when waiting for your Boaz.

  1. Christian. Make sure your potential Boaz is a practicing Christian. I’ve stated good reasons for the ‘why’. A man who is accountable to God will be much more likely to treat and respect you in a godly manner than one who is not.

I ‘do’ want to point out the ‘making sure’ of his Christian status. Anyone can talk a good game and this is why ‘waiting’ is imperative. Wait and observe how deep his Christianity goes. Does it show only when you are around, or is it full on all the time? Does he pray with you? Read the Bible with you? Attend church with you? Is he respecting you according to God’s standards? And everyone else? Wait and watch and all will be revealed.

  1. Affectionate. Love and affection are extremely important in any          
Relationship. Your potential Boaz should be ‘loving’ and looking to give his love away to you. Under God, you should be a major priority in his life.

Don’t fool yourself by making excuses why he cannot treat you the way you deserve to be treated. There is NO excuse for abuse and neglect. Let me clarify that; men ‘make’ excuses, but you should NOT accept excuses for abusive and neglectful behavior. God will NEVER send you an abusive and neglectful man from Himself.

  1. Work Ethic. Is this soon to be Boaz a worker? Can he provide? Is
he a hard and consistent worker? Or does he make excuses for why he cannot get his life together?

If your Boaz cannot work steady or makes excuses for why he cannot work, what will happen when he becomes your mate? Make sure your Boaz, or potential Boaz has a J-O-B and works hard for himself and his future, because that future may some day include you.

  1. Life Goals. Your Boaz and you should share similar goals; at least
Goals that move you in the same direction. You cannot hope to succeed if you have two different visions and moving in two different directions.

If you want a family, a nice home, maybe some vacation time; it will not work if your Boaz wants no kids or cannot control his finances. What if he is consumed with ambition? You may find yourself and your dreams being placed on the back burner.

Take your time and discuss his past, present and future. Find out where he’s been, where he’s at now and where he sees himself in the future. Go slow so you can observe things clearly.

These are some basic things to look for. God will not send you dysfunction or confusion. He will not send abuse and neglect. He will not sent you selfishness or immorality. God looks at the heart and He will not send you a Boaz whose heart is not ready to be with you.

Your job is to WAIT! Wait and go slow with open eyes. PURPOSELY look and check to see if your potential Boaz is the real deal and not an imitator. If God has kept you waiting for your Boaz, a little more waiting will not hurt the outcome. Waiting will only reveal what is hidden.

“For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open,”

Mark 4:22

Friday, June 7, 2013

Do Not Be Unequally Yoked

Do Not Be Unequally Yoked

I know many of you are waiting and looking for your Boaz. It seems at times that things just are not moving fast enough. It’s a natural tendency to want to try to ‘help’ God find that special someone.

When you get to this point in your mindset, the mind can play all kinds of tricks on you. You began to see illusions of the perfect mate where perfection does not exist. You start to overlook obvious warning signs and focus on any and every seemingly good quality in that person.

God says “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”

2 Corinthians 6:14  

It is a clear instruction from the Word of God that in choosing a mate, to make sure they are a believer also. Why? Again, God points to ‘commonality’.

Things in common, unite. Differences tend to divide. Let’s exam this is the spiritual context in which it is written.

Say you disregard God’s command and date/marry an unbeliever. You are happy for a while until the differences start to become bigger issues. You want to attend church, he does not. You try to overlook this, but it makes you feel alone or less than united. The same occurs when you find yourself worshipping alone, praying alone and studying scripture alone.

When problems arise and decisions must be made, you consult God and His Word for guidance, while your make decides the best way is ‘his’ way; and we know where our choices lead.

What about tithing and giving? You want to honor God, but he sees it as a waste of money and refuses. He’d rather hang out with the guys and drink rather than be the spiritual leader of the home. When it comes to ethics and morality, he makes his own rules and you are left to deal with the consequences.

The list goes on and on and makes for a difficult relationship.

The same examples can be applied to many other areas in incompatibility. If you are unequally yoked in education; it will not be too long before the educated half grows tired of their less than educated partner and grows apart. Same can be said in instances of careers. Moral, political and/or sexual standards can also be added to the list. All this differences can have a snowball effect with devastating results.

God is trying to protect you from all this. He is not saying that those who do not have these things in common with you are less than you or are bad people. He is saying that you ‘two’ are not ready to build a relationship on.

Jesus said it far better than I ever could in Matthew 7:24

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

God wants you to build a strong foundation! There is no greater foundation built which is Jesus Christ! You have begun to build upon this foundation by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. What builder starts with a strong foundation, only to build a weak structure?

Strength begets strength. Start strong and finish strong! Build upon your rock and do not settle for less than the finest and most compatible materials God has to give you to build your life.

Lastly, understand what a ‘yoke’ is. A yoke is a harness that is placed on two oxen to make them plow in unity. If the yoke is uneven, the oxen do not move as one and the job will be difficult, if not disastrous. Oxen equally yoked move in sync; the same direction.

This is what God wants for you as you “Wait On Your Boaz”. He wants a mate that will move in the same direction with unity as you. The top priority is spiritual unity, but do not neglect unity is the purpose of your life together, income level, education, family upbringing, sexual relations, money management, entertainment and life goals.

You have a great foundation; build upon it correctly!

God Bless.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Whenever you feel as if God has failed you, left you or doesn’t love you anymore, remember this: It is your views that have changed, not God. Your outlook on God and life can change with each circumstance, but God NEVER changes. His love, goodness, faithfulness and holiness is ALWAYS the same! 

Malachi 3:6 "I the LORD do not change.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Let's Get Real!


Can I get real with you? Can I open my heart to you? Can I put it all out there for you? Can I let you into my head and heart?

There was a time that I was as far from God as anyone else. A time when I lived for myself, did what I want, answering to no one. There was a time when I was on my own path; the path that leads to destruction and pain.

I remember thinking life was at its greatest when I was my worse.

Slowly, my God began to call me to Him. It was rough and I fought it every step of the way, but God doesn’t give up easily. I remember when the world I created came crashing down.

I went from being my own little king to the king of sorrow. I remember the night I threatened to take my own life in blind anger and drunkenness. I remember being rushed to the emergency room and told I may not make it.

May not make it? What?! Oh, no! I know what I said and did, but….death….is final. “Oh God help me! I’m sorry.”

I remember getting real with God that night. I remember how He worked a miracle and saved me! I gave Him my life and began to walk as a new creation.

I wish I could tell you that I was a stellar Christian, but I can’t. it’s not for lack of trying. It’s just that I still had so many of my old ways still hanging in the closet. I remember backsliding fast and wondering if I was even a true child of God.

Thank God Jesus said, “Whom the Father has given Me are Mine and no one is able to pluck them from My hand. I will not lose one.”

Thank You Jesus.

My new low brought me to my knees. I cried out to God that if He’d still have me, I would serve Him. I asked for a perfect mate to begin a new life with and to start a family with.

As before, God worked a miracle again! He moved me hundreds of mile away and gave me that helpmate and we started that family and He blessed us abundantly!

A nice home, cars, money, more children. God built us up and kept us safe. A great church, godly family and beautiful friends. What more could I ask for?

And true to my word, I was faithful…until… Until I took my eyes off my Savior and onto myself and the world. Until the blessings became more important than the Bless-Or. Until pride and arrogance set up a temple in my body and defiled the temple of God.

“Whoever defiles the temple of God will be destroyed!”

So God began to destroy me.

First it was loss of money and possessions. Then my health was attacked. My family relationship strained. I cried out to God..WHY?!
Why have you walked away from me?!

“I never walked away from you. You walked away from Me.”

…”I know…and I’m sorry.”

How could this happen? How could I be so dumb? How could I keep screwing up so much?

Why does He love me like He does?

Again, God rescued me. He saved me! He picked me up and washed me clean. He threw His arms around me and hugged me tightly. He put a new ring on my finger and robe on my back and slaughtered the fatted calf. He called me …son.

Oh how I love Him. My Father God. My Savior God. My Helper God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit…my awesome and glorious, true and living God! Hallelujah!

Now I sit here being real with you. Real with you about being real with God. It doesn’t matter where you have come from or where you are at. Yesterday is past and the present is right behind it. Today is the day to get real with God. Humble yourself and go to Him. He’s waiting to love on you like you can’t understand.
He knows your wants. He knows your needs. He knows your weaknesses. He knows dreams. He knows YOU! And you…. Are the Apple Of His Eye!

You want your Boaz? Good. But find the Bless-Or and don’t get caught up in chasing the blessing. God has many gifts He wants to shower on you, but the greatest gift is God Himself.

Take the lessons of my life to heed. God is the ultimate prize in this life and the life to come. He is Beautiful, Loving, Graceful and Merciful. He is Forgiving and Faithful…even when we are not. He longs to build a relationship with you and to continue in it.

He is the ULTIMATE BOAZ. He is the ULTIMATE HUSBAND, Friend, Lover, Confidant, Teacher, Guide and Master. When you have Him, you have everything. Walk close to Him and He will give you everything else. When you stray, He is waiting to take you back…again, and again, again.

God Bless You.