Thursday, April 18, 2013

Watch Where You Walk

Watch Where You Walk

When Ruth arrived with her mother-in-law, Naomi, the two had nothing and no man to provide for them. Ruth took it upon herself to look for grain to sustain them both. The Bible says that Ruth “happened” to be in the portion of land belonging to Boaz, who she would later meet.

Now some argue that Ruth was not the ideal example of “waiting on her Boaz” because she was married before and that it was only after the death of her first husband, was she free to “wait” on her Boaz or more like he was free to pursue her.

First, as a Christian, I know there is no such thing as “happened”. God directs our paths by allowing circumstances in and out of our lives that are meant to work out for our good, though some may seem good and painful alike.

Secondly, the Book of Ruth and the picture of Roth and Boaz is one of Redemption. It’s about second chances and starting over to receive God’s best for our lives.

I’m saying that God allowed Ruth’s husband to die so that she could meet Boaz, but rather, God turned Ruth’s tragedy to bring her to Himself and bless her with a man like Boaz. It was only after the death of her husband and her pledge of loyalty to Naomi do we see Ruth’s statement of faith: “Your people will be my people and your God will be my God”; indicating that although she was married to her husband, she had not embraced the belief in His God alone and his kinship with his people.

God “DOES” have a Boaz for you! But with this first, second, third or even fifth chance at it, you must be willing to trust God and have patience and wait for His timing where you too will “happen” upon your Boaz. You cannot rush ahead of God, trusting your own judgment that has failed you in the past.

Watch where you walk and keep God close. He will turn whatever is in your past and present, good and bad, and work it out for your benefit…IF….you trust Him and hold on. So yes, Ruth did wait; she waited on God and He delivered.

He will do the same for you.


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