Thursday, April 25, 2013

Risky Propositions

Risky Propositions

In our lifetimes we will take many risks. One may risk money and reputation on a business venture; for another it may be a job change or moving to a new location; for yet another, it may be a needed medical procedure.

One huge risk nearly everyone will face, is love. Will I be accepted or rejected? How will it turn out in the end? Am I making the right choice? Many question surround love’s unclear path. If we lose, we lose big; but if we win, not much on earth can match the rewards!

Ruth, took such a risk. Upon learning of Boaz’ favor towards Ruth, Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law convinces Ruth to approach Boaz in secret and in a sense, propose to him. Ruth was to wait until Boaz fell asleep and lay at his feet and wait for him to notice her.

By any account, this was a risky proposition. It’s unclear exactly the full meaning of the act of ‘laying at ones feet’, but it came with bold risk. I believe it was a sign of submission to one’s betrothed. In ancient customs, bowing was a form of submission, respect and reverence. Laying at the feet signifies complete surrender.

So what was the risk? You have to remember that Ruth was still an outsider. She had been married before, so she was not a virgin. She had no money, status or position. She had no claim or standing in this new community she had taken up residence. To top everything off, she hadn’t know Boaz that long to take make such a bold move.

If by chance Boaz rejected this act, Ruth would have been in grave danger. This may have been view as immoral and cause swift punishment. Boaz could have taken advantage of Ruth after she placed herself in such a vulnerable predicament. Others could have learned about this and again, cause harm to come to Ruth.

Fortunately, Boaz was an honorable man and did not take advantage of Ruth, nor did he reject her. Instead, he commanded her to keep it between the two of them while he take care of some necessary loose ends to ensure they could wed.

Ladies, when it come to matters of the heart, the risk level is at the top. Many have been hurt deeply before or have seen and heard the horror stories of failed relationships. It’s a frightening prospect to lay your heart bare and entrust it to another; unsure of what may happen. Even the best laid plans can go wrong, so the anxiety of love increases.

On the other hand, ‘No risk, no reward”. You cannot be scared to take risk. Let me clarify that you must do your homework thoroughly before proceeding and even then you have no guarantees; this is why you “wait”! Be patient and cautious and get to know your Boaz! Time is the great revealer of many things and if you do not rush things, the revelations will come; good or bad.

Much of “Waiting on your Boaz” is about waiting to see if he really “IS” your Boaz. When you have prayed and waited and he has proven himself, the risk goes down and the rewards go up.

I too am a man of risk. At the age of 23, I got tired of the lifestyle I was living and prayed to God for a wife from a rural location which was in a state 5 states from mine. I prayed to move in the city of that state and have a little girls and that He would provide work that I may support us. The very next day, I received a call from my father. He was going to visit my sister in this state and asked me to join him! I took this as a sign and packed everything I owned and moved that day.

When I got to my sister’s and moved in, it was months later that I felt I made the wrong choice and packed up and headed for home. I made a stop for a week in that rural location of the state to stay goodbye to my mother who had moved back there. During the week with my mother it happened!

Like Ruth, I “happened” to be in a place where I met one of the sweetest women I have ever saw. She was working and I slipped her a message to call me at my mother’s house. She called and we talked until the sun came up. My “short” visit with mom, turned out to be weeks and I spent every day with this new “Ruth”.

We married 25 days after we met and moved to the city location I had prayed about. She soon became pregnant and had a little girl and I found work to provide for them. I write to you now, 21yrs later, 4 kids later with a happy home and strong marriage. I called on God. Waited for God. Waited for Her. Recognized her and took a Risk. The rewards have been extraordinary. I speak from experience.

Your Boaz is out there somewhere, but God won’t send him until you are ready; ready to receive, ready to recognize and ready to risk. When you have the necessary requirements in place, wait on God and the …Wait On Your Boaz!

God Bless

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