Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I LOVE YOU (Dear Child Letters From God)

Dear Child:

You certainly are very dear to me and how I desire to be your Father. You may or may not know me intimately, but I know you! (Psalm 139:1) I created you in My image and made you for my purposes. (Genesis 1:26-27) I know you may have doubts or think my plans always involve boring or dreadful things. In reality, I know the plans I have for you; they are for good and not for bad; plans to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

I loved you from even before you were born, before you were even conceived. (Jeremiah 1:5) When sin entered the world, all people went astray; you included. You have made many wrong choices and have chosen to do things "your" way instead of mine. (James 1:14) Sin grieves me greatly and as Just and Righteous God, sadly, I Must judge sin. I cannot punsih "some" sin and allow other sin to go unpunished. That would be hypocrytical and not according to my nature. Would you expect me to allow all wrong to go unpunished? Should I overlook murder, rape or theft? I would not and will not. By the same token, I cannot overlook your own sin. (Revelation 8:11)

Judging sin does not mean I do not love you. I loved you enough to make provision for your sin; so you may be forgiven. I loved you so much that I sent My Son Jesus to suffer the penalty of death for your sins. (John 3:16) Before I created anything, Jesus was prepared to give His life for those who would fall into sin. (1 Peter 1:20) Now, if you would only believe in Him and confess your sins and turn from your ways, you will be forgiven. (Romans 10:9) Jesus is the sacrafice for sin that leads to eternal life. He is the way to becoming My child. He is the way to Me. (John 14:6)

My child, you are constantly on My mind. (Psalm 139:17-18) I am daily trying to reach your heart. Even through various troubles in your life, I Am there, trying to get your attention. (Deuteronomy 8:3) This eart; this life; it is only temporary. One day you will die and that is a certainty, but life goes on. This life after death is the begining, not the end. My desire is when you face Me, I will be there as your Father and not your Judge. (Hebrews 9:27) My love for you cannot override My Perfect Justice. 

My Justice is perfect, but My Love is Perfect. Please do not reject my Perfect Love. 

Love God

Find a Boaz who loves you like God loves you!

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