Monday, October 7, 2013



Have you ever heard the phrase, out with the old and in with the new? I expect us to really be blessed and prosper, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and financially. Its time to set goals to be achieved. Its time to change and push yourself in a new direction. It is said that it is insanity to continue doing the same old thing, again and again, expecting a different result. Many of you are stuck in that mindset. You have come to rely on everything else to cure all your financial and other problems, but have found it lacking in its promises. It is time to change lanes and head in a different direction.

You have been saved and forgiven, bought with the blood of Jesus Christ. You have changed addresses from Hell to Heaven. You have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in your body. You have the power of the Godhead at your disposal: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; but you continue to rely on the same old things that didnt work before and will continue to not work! You are a new creation in Christ. Walk as if you new. God is bust changing and transforming you. You are holding on to the old way of thinking instead of learning what God has for you through His Holy Spirit.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is"his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

How do you renew your mind? Read Gods word! The Holy Spirit is the teacher, but how can He teach if you never show up to learn? This is where perseverance comes in. You must push yourself! The successful people of the world have unlocked this secret. Success does not just happen; it is a product of hard work. Scripture says you reap what you sow. In practical application; if you sow seed, you reap a harvest. If you sow exercise and eating right, you reap good health. If you sow hard work, study and investment you may reap promotions, wisdom, financial increase or better opportunities. If you so a life of laziness, quitting and sin, you will reap such things as poverty, despair and hardship.

Do not mistake me to say that all poverty and hardship is the result of laziness or quitting. I am simply saying, if you want to improve your life and move ahead, you cannot be lazy and quit and engage in sin. God has a plan and purpose for your life, but you must perform your end of the bargain.
2 Corinthians 9:6
Remember this; "a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop.”

What seed are you sowing in your life? Are you planting little or much? With any crop, there are three stages: 1.Planting. 2. Watering 3.Harvesting. Bare in mind that the watering phase of any crop is care and nurturing and TIME. This is the area where many give up and quit. This area is the push phase. You must endure and keep watering if you expect a harvest.

Are you relying and waiting on God? Or are you determined to do it your way and face exhaustion and repeated defeat? Examine your life as it currently stands. Do you like what you see? If you are dissatisfied, now you see clearly what doesn’t work; Time to try a new way; Gods way.

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3)

1. Change what you are doing in your life. Again, examine yourself! You know what is destructive or counter-productive in your life (habits, people, sin). Begin to distance yourself from these things. Look for alternatives that God will bless and increase you in. Replace the old with the new.
2. Don’t trust in your own efforts and old way of thinking. Proverbs 3:5:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Seek God in His Word, the Bible and in prayer to find out what direction you should walk. Remember, the Holy Spirit is in you to teach and guide you. Listen to Him.

3. Everyday, practice doing the things that God is revealing to you. These could be; praying, Bible reading, giving, sharing, loving, helping or just moments of quite time with your Heavenly Father.

4. Rethink, Reposition, Operate. Rethink your life in all aspects. Determine what needs to go, stay and be added. Think about where you would like to be next year. Be realistic and ask God for guidance. Reposition yourself and prepare to walk towards this goal. If its saving money, learn how to create a budget. If it is a career change, look into what things you can do to prepare yourself for it, etc. Operate in the shadow of what you pray to become a reality. If you want to teach one, teach for free. If you want to run a business, work cheaply of for free for a successful person to get experience and contacts. Walk and operate in the shadow long enough and God will open an opportunity for the real thing soon enough. This will be your harvest.
5. Manage your life. Get serious. Eliminate distractions and things that matter little to your success. Train yourself in Gods Word and build up your relationship with Him. Know Him deeply and intimately1 seek hard after Him! Build up a godly character. God wants you to represent Him well wherever He blesses you. Train and practice in anticipation of your promotion.

Save and manage money. Cut out frivolous spending, i.e. new hairstyles, clothes, jewelry, etc. Sacrifice and cut your cost to bare minimum. Save whatever you would have spent on these things. You will be amazed how fast it can add up.

Look for new and better opportunities towards your goal. Don’t wait for it to just happen, go out and make things happen! Make the most of your time. Put forth great efforts to keep focused on your goals. Don’t get sidetracked by television, radio, people or sleep!

Give your time and talents away. This is a great way to practice and learn, but also get recognized and have opportunities find you.

6. PUSH yourself! You must think of this pursuit as life or death. No one around you is going to push you. In fact, most may try to deter you. People often feel threatened or insecure when they see someone on their level trying to better themselves. They instinctively try to push you down do they do not appear as below you. Your willingness convicts them of things they ‘want’ to do, but are afraid to do.

Attitude does make a difference to the outcomes of our lives. "Don’t give up on life, kick on

God Bless

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