Wednesday, October 23, 2013



Have you ever been crushed by the circumstances of life? I have, many times. Sometimes it can feel like the whole world and God Himself is against you. You feel abandoned and forgotten and punished. Inevitably, Satan whispers in your ear that; God doesn’t love you or He is mad at you; you’re not worthy of His help or blessings; that you deserve everything that is coming your way; that there is no hope is sight.

It doesn’t help that we have numerous faith preachers instructing Christians that to be poor, unhealthy or suffer misfortune is a result of a lack of faith, sin or a negative confessions. Either we believe this and condemn ourselves or others believe it and condemn us themselves. Either way, we remain isolated and alone. Where do we turn?

If I have learned anything in life, I have learned that God is Faithful, Loving and Truthful. I turn to God in spite of my feelings inside. 1 John 4:1 states, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. “

Many see this verse as a warning against false prophets because they are specifically mentioned and/or demonic spirits naturally, but overlook the obvious. WE are body, soul and SPIRIT. WE also fall into this category. WE must test our OWN spirit against the Word of God.

I believe in the power and work of the Holy Spirit and believe God still manifest His presence to us in many ways, but even the most charismatic Christian should not disregard this command to test the spirits. Our feelings are no indicator of Gods truth! Jeremiah 17:9 states, “the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?” Therefore if you think you truly know and can trust your heart, the Holy Spirit says you are deceiving yourself.

With all that said; where does one go then for understanding and help in overwhelming circumstances? First we must know and understand Gods Character:

1. He Won’t Fail or Forsake You (Josh 1:5) 2.He Provides (Gen 22:14) 3. He Heals (Ex 15:26) 4. He Protects (Ex 17:15) 5. Sanctifies (Ex 31:13) 6. He Sends Peace (Judges 6:24) 7. He Gives Strength (1 Sam 1:3) 8. He Shepherds (Ps 23:1) 9. Redeems (Isa 44:24) 10. Is Righteous (Jer 23:6) Always There (Ezek 48:35) Almighty and All Sufficient (Gen 17:1)

God is “I Am That I Am”. God is ALL that we need Him to be: Present, Comfort, Peace, Help, Guidance, Shelter, Security, Deliverance, Answerer of Prayer, Teacher, Discipliner, Judge, Merciful, Gracious, Loving, Prosperity, Wisdom, Savior, Goodness, Forgiver, Blessing, Rewarder and Giver of Eternal Life.

Knowing these attributes and many more, including His titles and names will help us keep perspective when testing our spirit and circumstances. We need to bear this in mind and THEN look into the Scriptures for a clearer understanding of what may be going on at any given moment.

Scripture is Gods Supreme Authority over ANY feeling, preacher, teacher, prophet, bishop, apostle, book, tradition or ANYTHING ELSE you seek counsel from. 2 Timothy 3:16 states All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. Over 70 times in the New Testament alone the phrase “It is written” appears. God Word is the authority and we must filter ALL information through His word like the people of Berea who searched the scriptures DAILY to see if what they were hearing were true or not. (Acts 17:10-12)

So what does scripture say about bad circumstances?

1. In this world you WILL (not might) have trouble (Jn 16:33). 2. Temptations are common (1 Cor 10:13) 3. Bad circumstances teaches patience (James 1:2) 3. God disciplines those He loves (Heb 12:6, 10) 4. DO NOT BE surprised at trials (1 Pet 4:12) 5. We are to partake in Christ sufferings (1 Pet 4:13, 5:1)

So contrary to the Word of God, suffering and troubles are NOT always what some have been taught. It ‘can’ be a result of sin that we have done, but often just because we live in a fallen world and are not exempt from trouble. It can be Gods discipline or God helping us grow. It is definitely a mark of the Christian identifying with the suffering of Christ.

So what do we do? Put it all into perspective. God is Good and He Loves you. If you suffer because of sin, confess in and ask for forgiveness. He is slow to anger, abounding in love (Joel 2:13, Jonah 4:2) If it’s not because of sin, know that it’s just a part of the natural things of life or discipline for Christian growth. Ask God for strength and patience.

Read the accounts of Job and Paul in 2 Cor 12:7 and 11:24-26) These men were exemplary examples of faith and righteousness and yet they suffer more than most for their faithfulness to God. How much more will we face sufferings if the very Master Himself also suffered? Jesus said A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. (Matt 10:24) EXPECT IT!

These are the times to turn to God, not away from Him. This is where your metal is tested and tried in the furnace to see what you are made of. Stay in prayer and draw closer to God. Learn about your own weaknesses and grow. This is the path of the Master.

GET UP and GO ON! Don’t stay down. Keep the course! Remember, this life is not the end goal. We live for Christ and are an example to all who watch us. We must never give up for God is on our side and He has overcome the world! (Jn 16:33)

Proverbs 24:16
The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.

God Bless

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