Thursday, October 3, 2013



Matthew 18:2-4
Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

There once was a young girl of 16 who dreamed of traveling to a far off country. She had never been anywhere too far from the state where she lived, never mind outside the country. Still she dreamed. One day she received a letter in the mail about a program that gave kids an opportunity to travel abroad as Student Ambassadors. All excited, she ran to her parents and said, I have a chance to go to Australia and I want to go.

Her parents immediately objected, noting that it was September to raise $7000.00 by May was next to impossible, especially in the current economy. The girl gave a determined look and said, You told me to trust in God and He would help, that’s what I’m going to do. Her parents reluctantly agreed, not wanting to quench her faith in the God they taught her about. They warned her, God is not a genie in a bottle; you have to do your part and let God do His. The girl agreed and from that day on, dreamed of Koala Bears, Boomerangs and words like mate in Australia.

At 16, she was working on the weekend serving cookies at a little cookie shop at the mall. She still had to keep her grades up in school and keep her commitments to after school activities. She also kept her commitment to Australia and God. She worked and saved, fund raised and asked for donations. There were times when her parents doubted it could happen, but she was determined. I WILL get to Australia and God will help me!

Her friends and coworkers told her she was wasting her time. She was reaching to big and believing in a God who was a crutch for weak people. She worked and saved; trimming down her Christmas list, skipping birthdays and evenings out, wearing a second hand $5.00 dress and riding in her moms mini van to her junior prom. While her girlfriends shopped in the mall, she worked, watching them have fun. While they chased boyfriends, she prayed to God to help her make it to Australia.

The savings grew and donations came in from the most unlikely sources. A friend of a friend who heard she was going gave big amounts. People who just admired her faith gave. Some who knew her gave to make her feel better; others said it was put on their heart to give. When may rolled around, she made the last payment on the trip. She had done it! She had worked and prayed and God had answered and worked! She raised almost half just by working weekends.

June 28, 2009, the young girl got off a plane and walked the streets of Australia. 17 days of touring Sydney, Melbourne and Cairns. She will visit the Olympic stadium, sail across Sydney, rock climb, and explore gold mines, rain-forest, animal reserves, coral reefs and so much more. This young girl is my daughter and today is about to graduate from the largest Christian University in the country, Liberty University.

I watched a young 16yr old girl grow into a young lady. I've seen her faith be tested, grow and rewarded by God. I saw as she worked tirelessly to make her dream happen and depend on God for His part. I also watched as God provided in often surprising ways. She mustered up her faith and worked like she knew God would come through for her, and He did. I believe this is what Jesus means when He tells us to humble ourselves like children to be great in the kingdom of God.

Anyone who knows children know they have almost a built in faith. They believe almost anything that is presented to them and dare not question. They believe in their parents; they believe in the government and school teachers; they believe in fairy tales and happy endings. They have not yet fully been exposed to the hardships of life’s realities, so they believe. They look to adults with trusting eyes, even if that adult tells them wrong. When they look to god, they trust. They know of no other way to relate to Him.

God wants us to be this way also. Trust in Him as though we were children. Trust and dont doubt. Do and don’t hesitate. Step out in faith and don’t hold back out of fear. Faith believes on things unseen. 

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

This was the key to her blessing. She put her faith in God because God is faithful. She believed with everything in her that God will do what He promised He would do. She did not doubt or act in fear; even in the face of negative doubts by others. She held her ground and help on to her God. God rewards those who earnestly seek Him. She not only believed; she acted. She did her part also. This was the second key.
Faith and Deeds

What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds”.  Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith ‘by’ what I do. (James 2:14-18)

God does not expect you to believe only, but act on that belief. If you are a child of God, act like it. If you pray for a breakthrough, act like it will happen. If you believe Gods promises, act on them. Faith is belief in action. Its putting your money where your mouth is. Many of you have believed, but fail to act on that belief and wonder why you haven’t started to see any changes. Even I teach, you its useless if it is not learned and applied. God will only do as much as you really want Him to do. When you are really serious about what you want and expect from God, it will show by your actions.

If a 16yr old child can believe God just for help to go to Australia, how much more can you believe for things you really need in life? If God will do for her based on her desire, imagine what He wants to do in your life. God has plans for each of you and wants to help you achieve them. He is waiting for your faith to grow and for you to start acting upon what you believe. Start where you are at in life. Start acting on the little things and watch your faith grow into bigger things. Practice what you learn and read. You will never run with God until you learn to walk right before Him. Some will always remain babies, crawling along waiting for others to feed them. Don’t let this be you. It’s a new day and a new you. Faith and Acts is how you move forward in Gods game. Be humble, never forgetting its WHO you are placing your faith in, but practice it daily!

God Bless You All-


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