Friday, May 3, 2013

Redemption and Blessing

Redemption and Blessing

Finally, at the end of the Book of Ruth, Boaz marries Ruth. The scriptures do not go into big detail about how everything turned out between them, but from what it does say, we can ‘glean’ the fruitfulness of their union.

Ruth became pregnant and gave birth to a son, thus ensuring that the family line would continue. This was a huge deal, especially given the position of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz.

Naomi remember, had lost her husband and her only two sons. She had no family to carry on the family name. Ruth was alone and an outsider, so her prospects were low in this community for finding a husband. Boaz had no children and he was getting older; nearing the age when he would not be thought of husband or child rearing material.

In short; although Boaz was called, “the kinsman redeemer”, it seems redemption had come to all three. This was God’s stamp of approval of the union of Ruth and Boaz.

When you find your Boaz, will it bring redemption and blessing or loss and curses? I cannot express enough, the careful patience, prayer and observation; you need to practice while waiting on your Boaz.

The right choices bring right consequences, but wrong choices bring wrong consequences. Do not be quick to rush into something or someone and blind yourself to the realities before you.

I have watched so many women make excuses for all kinds of behavior of the man they have fallen for. Many times, it’s a matter of her rushing in and then doesn’t know how to get out or is too afraid or ashamed to be alone again.

God does not want you to live a life of curses; physical, sexual and verbal abuse, neglect, poverty, unfaithfulness, selfishness, emotional and mental anguish at the hands of a man you ‘love’.

God does not send you a mate to make you sad, lonely, angry anxious or fearful. You man should not put you down or make you feel worth-less than who God says you are. There should be no confusion and insecurity; no bitterness or regrets.

1 John 4:18 says “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

If any of you have a man with the qualities above or are considering a man who displays such actions, remove yourself from the situation before if brings you a lifetime of pain and regret.

Wait on your Boaz! Wait for what God has to give you and a union that He will truly use to redeem you of all your past hurts and future problems and bless you!

Don’t settle for less because you fear being alone. Don’t overlook those “imperfections” because you are impatient. Don’t accept fear and anxiety as a part of “love”….it’s not love!

God has a beautiful plan for your life and it did not include you being beat up, cheated on, put down or neglected!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

This is one of my most favorite passages in the Bible. God loves you! God adores you! God is crazy in love with you!

He does not want you see you fail in love…but fall in love…with the best He has to send you. Start by seeking God and preparing for blessing yet to be revealed to you.

Wait On Your Boaz!

Lastly, Ruth and Boaz’ son, Obed grew and also had children. The last verse in the Book of Ruth, leads Obed’s genealogy straight to King David, from which the Messiah, Jesus Christ was born.

Not only did God bless Ruth and Boaz with each other and a son, He also used their union to help bring about Hid great purposes! Isn’t that what God wants for you? The full package?!

The choice is yours.

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