Monday, May 20, 2013



The Bible is the inspired Word of God. The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob has identified Himself through this Holy Word. The foremost call in scripture is to come to know the God who created you and be set free.

As fallen people, we need freedom from all kinds of things; the uttermost which is sin. Christ came to redeem us from our sin that had separated us from this Holy God. He paid the price so that we could be set free. Jesus made this clear when He recited this scripture;

“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free”

Luke 4:18

If you are ‘in’ Christ, you are no longer a prisoner, nor should you allow yourself to be imprisoned again.

I know this page is focused on helping you Wait On Your Boaz, but by no means is it a call to be a ‘prisoner’ of your Boaz or any other man! You are Free! Exercise this freedom and do not put yourself under the rule of another or anything.

Now let me clarify; I’m not talking about disobeying your government, police, boss or others in a position of authority. Subjection to the rule of law is perfectly Biblical and not a form of slavery.

Even in a godly marriage, the wife is subject to the husband as is the husband subject to the wife. Christ was subject to the Father and the Holy Spirit is subject to Christ and the Father. The Father, by virtue of giving the Son anything He ask, is in a sense, subjecting Himself to the Son.

Subjection is godly, slavery is evil. Subjection is “willful” and out of love, slavery is ‘forced’ and done out of evil and selfish desires. See the difference? I you subject lovingly to your husband and he is doing the same to you, you have a loving and peaceful marriage. If your husband is ‘forcing’ or manipulating you to do things against your will by threats, selfishness, confusion or pressure, this is not of love and is meant to ‘enslave’ you.
God wants you FREE! Free to come to Him and be led by Him. How can you achieve this if you are a slave to another?

Remember what Jesus told the rich ruler when he could not give up his wealth to gain a more valuable, but eternal riches?

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Matthew 6:24

Jesus made it clear that you can’t serve two things; ANYTHING! Let’s read it again, but with a twist. In the blank spot, but in whatever you like. Try inserting anything that is important to you, things you love, things that you think make your life perfect, …..even your Boaz.

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and ______________.

It’s an eye opener, is it not? What are you serving instead of God? God is to be number one in your life. Anything else should be view as temporary gift from Him. You should not hold onto things so tight that you began serving ‘IT’ instead of God.

A man, Boaz or not, can be a good thing, but will never be God!

If you want a happy and successful life, never forget this lesson. God First! “THEN” everything else. In the ‘everything else’, remember you have ONE Master, God. A man cannot be come important, a job, a car, money, friends, pride, reputation, etc.

If you Wait On Your Boaz and he is the ‘RIGHT’ Boaz, he will be doing the same, encouraging you to the same and never think of controlling you or subjecting you to himself, for he ‘knows’ you serve but one Master.

The first sign you see when a man is trying to control you or pressure you or manipulate you, RUN, the other direction! God has NOT sent this man to you!

This is as much about building you up as it is to help you Wait On Your Boaz. I’ll end with a little parable I once heard.

A man sat reading a newspaper in his den while his young son sat at his feet on the rug. The young boy was bored and wanting his father’s attention, yanked on his pant leg. The father, a bit annoyed and wanting to read his newspaper undistracted, came up with an idea to keep the boy busy.

The man took a section of the paper that had a huge picture of the earth and tore it to many pieces and told his son to put it back together like a puzzle. The boy was thrilled and went to work while his father went back to reading. Only minutes passed when the boy called to the father to say he was To the father’s astonishment. The father asked his son in amazement;

“Great job son! How on earth did you finish so quickly?”

The son replied, “It was easy daddy. It was hard at first, but on the other side was a big picture of a man. When I put the man together, the world was all together.”

The father smiled, “That’s right son, when the man is all together, his world is all together”.

Is your world altogether? Christ set you Free to make that happen.

God Bless

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