Monday, December 30, 2013


YOu ARe WOman

So fragile and beautiful, I look into your eyes;
I hold you as you grab my fingers.
My sweet baby girl, everything I've wished for.
Daddy's little girl.
All my hopes and dreams for you, I can see.
You Are Woman.

Growing and learning, exploring your world,
So much reaching, so much to teach;
Reach my darling, reach for the moon and beyond.
Reach for the moon and land amongst the stars.
Even if you fall a short, you're better than you know.
You Are Woman

Watching now as your world expands.
From tea parties to iTunes,
You are becoming you're own.
Taking risk and gaining confidence.
Ups and Downs are your new best friends.
You Are Woman

The girl I knew has grown new wings.
Wings to fly in her own direction.
Independent and Bold, all things her way.
First steps, first dates, big mistakes.
Some lessons are hard, but you are stronger.
You Are Woman

It's time.
Your path is set.
Time to make those dreams come true.
 It's your journey, your direction.
Now I am a passerby, looking in.
You Are Woman

Career or climbing; confident or confused,
Wife or mom; single or dating,
You are beautiful and unique.
You are your own and that makes you special.
You are not a mistake, not unwanted,
You Are Woman.

The years have passed and grey is settling in.
The journey long with twist and turns.
Your strength has brought you here.
I salute you. I respect you. I admire you.
You come in many shapes and sizes;
different walks of life, but all as special.

You Are Woman!

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