Tuesday, June 18, 2013



I got a call today. It was one of those calls you don’t look forward to getting. It started with, “Ive got bad news..” and then proceeded to inform me that my cousin had passed away.

It wasn’t not too long ago that my uncle had passed around the same time as my niece’s father. Seems death is making its rounds and keeping a precise schedule.

I don’t fear death, for we all must die. I mourn for those who have passed also along with their families. I guess what I mourn the most is the thought that they may have never gotten the time to become all they could have been and my fear is the same fate for myself.

This web page is about your Wait For Your Boaz. Waiting is good. Waiting is what God calls us to patiently until He acts. I have no issue with waiting, but LIVE while you wait!

The same God who says “Wait upon the Lord”, is the same God who says, “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”


Don’t just sit around waiting, but live in the moment of who you are and have been called to be “WHILE” you wait! God has blessed you with talents and gifts, both physical and spiritual. Use the abilities He has given you and make your time on earth worthwhile.

All too often we can get caught up in life, never noticing that we are but “EXISTING” and not Living. We go day to day, month to month and year to year just getting by from one day to the next.

I know we all must survive and often that includes the mundane and humdrum. We all must make sacrifices and do what is necessary to care for ourselves and loved ones. Make sure you don’t get lost in the process.

Get to know God and let Him lead you on one adventure after another! Take in the beauty of the world that He has created. Reach out to your fellow life travelers and share in their life’s story. Make a difference wherever and whenever you can.

It doesn’t take much. A gentle word of encouragement or truth. A smile or a good deed. Stopping to admire blooming flowers and stars twinkling in the night sky. Traveling to another land and taking in the culture and sights. Falling in love with God in prayer.

Don’t let the precious hours and days o your short life be wasted; make it count!

Many spend their time complaining about what they lack instead of being thankful for what they “DO” have. Misery and Bitterness only takes away from the good in your life. Let it go! Don’t hold anger inside to eat away at your joy. Don’t let disappointment stifle your faith. Don’t pull back from living instead of moving always forward.

Life here is fleeting. It’s not a matter of how long you will live, but what will you fill that time with?

Everyday God gives us a check to cash; some big, some smaller. We decide to accept it and if we will cash it. Some simply throw it away, not believing its value. Others put it in on a shelf and it’s forgotten. Still others accept it but are too afraid to cash it in. Then there are those who take  it and cash it in.

What are you doing with the checks God is sending you?

Waiting for your Boaz to show up is a good thing. But LIVING for the God who HAS SHOWN UP is better! God has blessed you with life; use it! Jesus died so that you may have life; use it!

“I am come so that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”

John 10:10

God Bless.

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