Monday, September 9, 2013


I like BIG BUTS and I cannot lie........

Those familiar with hip hop may recognize that line from a less than 'sanctified' rap song. LOL But before you get all judgmental on me; technically, that is not the correct phrase or meaning. I am not here to discuss humongous derrieres or to be crass or sexual, but to discuss BIG BUTS....minus the extra T.

The word 'BUT' always indicates an exception. "I would go, but"..."I love you, but"...."I have money, but". So when you hear BUT, you automatically know that the conversation is about to go in a new direction. BUTS, like the derriere, has two parts, or applied meanings. Either can have a BIG BUT for bad or BIG BUT for good. As Christians, we need to decide what type of BIG BUT we will show the world.

When God came to Moses in Genesis chapter 4, He came with the best new ever to Moses. "Hey Mo! I know you don't know me, but i'm God! Guess what? I',m sending you to back to Egypt, where you're wanted for murder to free about a million Hebrews! It's gonna be great! You go and tell Pharaoh to let my people go. Of course he won't listen to you, but i'll help you change his mind. We leave immediately! Are you ready to go?!"

Moses didn't share God's enthusiasm.  

Moses said to God: "BUT who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and the bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?"...."BUT suppose 'they' will not believe me or listen to me?"...."BUT I am slow of speech."...."But...O my Lord, please send someone else."...Anyone...BUT me!

I guess we can't be so hard on Moses. How many of us would have ran into the house grabbed our coat and staff and started running towards Egypt? Many of us live in fear of God sending us to some remote scary country to be missionaries. Most of us find is difficult to do the simple things God ask us to do. So Moses, I guess we would agree, had some legitimate fears; especially since all this was brand new to him.

Pharaoh had even a tougher time than Moses. He was hit with a rapid succession of devastating plagues to him, his people, his country and everything in it. BUT....his heart was hardened and he learned the hard way!

Throughout the Bible, that BIG BUT is scattered throughout the pages of scripture. Remember when King Saul 'followed' the Lord's instruction to the 'letter', BUT spared some of the goods and plunder for his men? How about when King David, who was a man after God's on heart, BUT had a man killed because he slept with the man's wife and got her pregnant? And who can forget Jonah who instructed to go on a mission trip to Nineveh, BUT fled to in the other direction Tarshish from the Presense of the Lord; that tuned out to be fishy!

So when God instructs us and all we can say is, 'BUT', we are in good company of folks you are just as screwed up as us. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying because they did it, we should also. They all learned the hard way that you don't bring that kind of BIG BUT to God. God has a variety of ways to get you to change your mind! So you can cooporate willingly or go kicking and screaming! 

If you are intent on having a BIG BUT, make sure it is used for God's glory! BUT....."I thought you just said it was a negative thing?!" Hold on, hold Remember that a BIG BUT has two parts? Or two viewpoints. One is negative and one is positive.

Take Joseph for example. His brothers sold him into slavery because God had big dreams for him. As a slave, he was falsely accused of attempted rape, thrown into prison and seemingly forgotten. By God's providence, he was freed by Pharaoh and made second in command over all Egypt. When Joseph finally caught up with his brothers, he said, "You meant it for evil against me, BUT God meant it for good."

Likewise, Rahab, the prostitute in Jericho was sceduled to be termintaed along with the rest of the city by the Israelites, BUT she saved the spies by hiding them and she and her whole family were spared. Mary and Martha were grieved because their brother Lazarus was dead for four days, BUT believed Jesus could bring him back; and He did!

Jesus also raised up the young ruler's daughter when he said, BUT come and lay hands on her and she will live. Who can forget when the adulterous woman was brought before Jesus to be condemned? Everyone waited to Jesus to carry out judgment and execution, BUT Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. One by one, the woman's accusers left, convicted themselves, one by one, till none was left. Jesus told the woman, He would not convict her either and to go her way and sin no more!


See? A BIG BUT...'CAN' useful! When it comes to God; things that we cannot imagine we can handle, gets handled! God is our 'new direction', our 'change in conversation'. You may have received a death sentence from the doctor, BUT Jesus is still our Healer! You may be broken, BUT God is a Master Potter, Carpenter and Builder! You may feel all alone, BUT Jesus will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You!


The Apostle Paul learned this lesson as well. In 2 Corinthians 4:8-18, He writes; "We are perplexed, BUT not in despair. Persecuted, BUT not forsaken. Struck down, BUT not destroyed. Death is working in us, BUT life is in us. We have light affliction, BUT only for a moment. We look not to what is seen, BUT to what is unseen. Not for things that are temporary, BUT to things that are eternal!

So what is it going to be Fam? Which BIG BUT are you gonna "like and cannot lie?" Are you going to make excuses why you can't do things God's way or make God your excuse why you will not accept the bad things in life? 

We are not the only ones with BIG BUTs. We were sinners, BUT Christ died for us! We are weak, BUT God is strong. Isn't it time we really, truly start to trust God?! Stop telling Him and everyone else, "I would, BUT"..."I know I should, BUT"..."The Bible says that, BUT"...Trust God. Trust in His direction. Trust in His wisdom. I leave you with one more BIG BUT from Jesus:

"Jesus said "With men this is impossible, BUT with God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26

God Bless

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