Thursday, August 29, 2013



Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. 
-- Proverbs 3:5-6

Over the many years that I have lived, it never ceases to amaze me how often I look back on my life's journey and 're-do' in my mind, the mistakes of my past. Not only are mistakes made right in my imagination, but taking risk when I held back, holding back when I took risk, doing what I failed to do and failed to do what I needed to do. But all the mental mid tricks and daydreaming cannot erase the past - good or bad.

That's when I appreciate all the more, one of God's most precious gifts; His Guidance. 

From a small child, our parents guided us as best they knew how. Growing up, we had other family, friends, teachers, bosses and leaders to help shape us and point us in new directions. This is all good to a point, for we all know that not everyone is a good teacher and not every lesson learned, a good one.

One this is true; God's guidance will 'never' stir you wrong! God, the Creator of all things! All powerful! All knowing! Sees beginning to end! Who better to guide you through life's maze? How I wished that He would have just taken me by my hand and led me through life. I wish it were that simple....or is it?

The overwhelming obstacle to God guiding us is....US!

God has given each of us FREE WILL. We choose what we will take in and what we will ignore. God, on the other hand, is constantly at work to guide and direct our paths. We, are constantly rebelling. Like spoiled little children who want only their own way, we ignore God's direction and rationalize in our minds, why we do what we do.

Oh, the pain and hardship this causes in our lives! One bad decision after another! A never ending procession of bad moves, misses opportunities and regretful decisions. Am I wrong? Just take a moment to 'seriously' look back over this past week. How many things do you regret doing? Should have done, but didn't? Things you wished you would have done? Now multiply that by a month; a year, your lifetime!

It needn't be to the extent that it is!

God stands at the ready to guide you! His hands are forever raised, pointing out safe passage and pitfalls in life. We need to tap into His storehouse of wisdom. How do we do that? Ask! 

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
-- James 1:5-7

It's that simple. Ask; believing it will be given. God does not want you to stumble through life, trying to figure out everything on your own. He is here for you! He loves you! Push aside what you 'think' and turn to God and ask for His direction. Read His word to gain more wisdom and understanding. Proverbs is loaded with beneficial wisdom for life! You have a priceless resource; use it!

Below is A Prayer For Guidance, from my Pray4i Spoken Word Prayer Project. Let me pray for you for God's guidance in your life. Download it and listen to it over and over. Enjoy and God Bless!


A Prayer For Guidance


In the Name of Your Son Jesus, we come before you and humbly ask for your Guidance. There are challenges and decisions before my friend and Your direction is needed according to Your will. You, O’ God, are the God in whom we trust. You are Just and You are Good. Your word says that if any among us lacks wisdom; ask for it and it will be given freely. We ask for this wisdom to make the right choice according to Your word. I pray that You will guide and direct their steps so that they will not stumble! Lord, we need You now! 

You have guided us to You and we thank You. We give praise and glory to the One who has called us and saved us. You alone are God and to you alone, we pray. Have mercy and compassion on my friend as they reach out for Your hand. Lead them in the way that they should go. Set a light before their path so that they may see clearly ahead. Reveal to them, by Your Holy Spirit, the path that they should take.

It was You Lord, who guided Abraham out of UR and into a new land. You guided Noah, Jacob and Isaac and blessed them with the promise of becoming a great nation. The Israelites followed ‘You’ in the wilderness and ‘You’ led them into the Promised Lane. You have shown Yourself to faithful and true, time and time again! Please show Yourself to us, Faithful and True God, Most High!

Your word says “Trust You with all our heart and do not lean on our own understanding, but acknowledge You in all our ways and You will direct our paths.” We trust You God and humble ourselves before You, acknowledging You; asking for Your understanding and not our own. For Your Namesake, instruct my friend and teach them in the way which they should go. Guide them with Your eyes, for You are God, our God; guide us even til death.

I am gathered with my friend and believe that Your presence is here also. Hear our prayer and reveal Your will.

We,..we are like little children; lost without You. We see, but not beyond today; for only You God, can see from eternity to eternity. Although we make plans, it is ‘You’ who directs our steps. We belong to ‘You’ and are not our own. We need Your vision to reach our future. Help us to see O’ Lord! Help us to see clearly that we may walk in the light of Your consul. Guide and direct us in the way we should go.
In Your unfailing love, guide my friend. In your strength, lead them. Though they may stumble, steady them, that they not fall. Uphold them with Your righteous hand. Lead them in ways they have not known, along the unfamiliar paths, guide them. Turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. Do not forsake them, but give the guidance and clear direction.

Lord, we believe that You have heard our petition and wait faithfully with expectation for You answer. We know that although the prayers of the righteous avails much, it is You, that answers our request. I stand in agreement with my friend for such an answer. Please grant my friend Guidance, Wisdom and Discernment to make the choices they need to make. Help them see clearly from Your perspective, O’ God. Guide and direct their paths and lead them in the way that they should go so that the choice before them becomes clear. Help them to stand firm upon what they receive from You.

We pray and ask these things in the Mighty Name of Your Son Jesus, our Lord. May His Name be blessed forever and ever, Amen.

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