Monday, March 25, 2013

Know Your Worth

We've all heard the stories of people finding valuable items in the most unlikeliest places. The painting above was was bought at a Good Will store. To the buyers surprise, the painting was a 360 yr old work worth about $190,000. From the Declaration of Independence to Picasso's to coins worth millions have been sold and bought by unsuspecting parties who, at the time, did not realize their true worth.

We, like many of these lost treasures, also fail to recognize our true worth at times. We go through life comparing ourselves to others we deem as more beautiful, more successful, smarter or happier. Often times, we allow other to place labels on us or define who we were, are and will be. The constant looking outward to discover our worth keeps us from looking inward and upward for out true worth.

I have seen countless women and girls fall into the trap of allowing their self esteem to be shaped by some jerk who measured their worth by his low opinion of them. Is this you? Has your esteem been the victim of a emotional, mental or physical assassination?

I urge you to look up and not out! God sees all that you have been through and knows who you truly are. He created you and knows your true worth and knows that it is PRICELESS! I know it may not always feel this way, but just like the painting above; just because it is sitting on a Good Will shelf, does not make it any less valuable. 

You were created wonderfully and uniquely. God has a purpose and a plan for your life. He has not left you alone nor turned His back on you no matter what you have done or had done to you. He knows your true worth! It's time you did also.

Look up towards God and Heaven and begin to learn what God thinks of you; then when you look inside, you will see clearly. As you look outward, you will no longer be seeking definitions or approvals of yourself, but you will be DOING the DEFINING!  

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