Saturday, March 30, 2013

You Are Special

YOu ARe SPecial

I'm a man of faith, but my faith doesn't have to show me how special you are. I know there are many times you doubt what is special about you. Sometimes, through the up and downs, the bumps and bruises and the joy and pain of life, it's easy to feel insignificant.

I believe, no matter where you are, where you've been or what is coming your way, you are a priceless and exquisite masterpiece in this existence! You matter! 

You are you! Wonderfully and Awesomely created! No matter what you story is, there has never been, nor will there ever be another soul like you. Keep that in mind as you reflect on your life. The most sought after things in life are those which are the rarest. What can be more rare than a one-of-a-kind you?

I know some of you out there seem to have everything under control and think; "I don't need this, i'm fine!"
That may be...for now. I've lived long enough to know that 'every day won't be sunshine.' And when that beautiful day grows dark as the clouds roll in, don't listen to the negative voices in your head.

Yes, you are special and I want you to know it, feel it and embrace it. You have a beautiful mind and unique talents. It's the inside that makes you shine for this is the 'real you'. Everything else is simply window dressing. Don't hide behind the looks, clothes, career, car and houses. Material trappings can only cover up so much.  Let 'you' shine for the world to see! Believe in yourself and the fact that there are millions of people waiting to discover you!

Just remember; Unique = Priceless!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Proverbs 31 Woman

Be the women God created you to be! The women men respect and have to 'prove' themselves to be a part of your life! Be a Proverbs 31 woman! 

1.    She is Strong
A Proverbs 31 woman is strong physically.

“She girds herself with strength, And makes her arms strong.”

A Proverbs 31 woman is strong mentally and emotionally.
“strength and dignity are her clothing”

2.    She Has a Positive Attitude
“she smiles at the future.”
3.   A Proverbs 31 Works Hard and Doesn’t Complain About It

“She looks for wool and flax, And works with her hands in delight.”

“She is like merchant ships; she brings her food from afar.”

4.   A Proverbs 31 Woman Dresses Nice

“She makes coverings for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple.”

5.   She Helps the Poor and Needy

“She extends her hand to the poor; And stretches her hands to the needy.”

6.    A Proverbs 31 Woman is Trustworthy

“The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain.”

7.    She Feeds Her Family

“ food to her household.”

8.   A Proverbs 31 Woman teaches others her wisdom and kindness

“She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

9.    A Proverbs 31 Woman is in business (wow- this one surprised me!)

“She considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard.”

“She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies belts to the tradesmen.”

10.           She looks out for her family and has good morals

“She looks well to the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness.”

11.           A Proverbs 31 woman is genuine, and fears God and is close to God

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”

12.           A Proverbs 31 woman dresses her family warm and takes good care of them

“She is not afraid of the snow for her household, For all her household are clothed with scarlet.”

13.           Her husband’s reputation is good because of her

“Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.”

14.           A Proverbs 31 woman’s family is proud of her

“Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying: ‘Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all.’”

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

God is Bigger

God is BIGGER! Don't give up, don't give in. Trust in the Lord and He will take care of you.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Know Your Worth

We've all heard the stories of people finding valuable items in the most unlikeliest places. The painting above was was bought at a Good Will store. To the buyers surprise, the painting was a 360 yr old work worth about $190,000. From the Declaration of Independence to Picasso's to coins worth millions have been sold and bought by unsuspecting parties who, at the time, did not realize their true worth.

We, like many of these lost treasures, also fail to recognize our true worth at times. We go through life comparing ourselves to others we deem as more beautiful, more successful, smarter or happier. Often times, we allow other to place labels on us or define who we were, are and will be. The constant looking outward to discover our worth keeps us from looking inward and upward for out true worth.

I have seen countless women and girls fall into the trap of allowing their self esteem to be shaped by some jerk who measured their worth by his low opinion of them. Is this you? Has your esteem been the victim of a emotional, mental or physical assassination?

I urge you to look up and not out! God sees all that you have been through and knows who you truly are. He created you and knows your true worth and knows that it is PRICELESS! I know it may not always feel this way, but just like the painting above; just because it is sitting on a Good Will shelf, does not make it any less valuable. 

You were created wonderfully and uniquely. God has a purpose and a plan for your life. He has not left you alone nor turned His back on you no matter what you have done or had done to you. He knows your true worth! It's time you did also.

Look up towards God and Heaven and begin to learn what God thinks of you; then when you look inside, you will see clearly. As you look outward, you will no longer be seeking definitions or approvals of yourself, but you will be DOING the DEFINING!  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Join the movement!

Show the world that you are waiting for or standing by women and girls who should wait on their Boaz! Let the message go forth and bear fruit. No longer should women settle for less than what they deserve. Make a man "earn" your love, not simply by fancy dinners and gifts, but with kindness, gentleness, patience, honesty, humility, unselfishness, integrity and more!

Ladies, if then were not taught these attributes from their parents; make them LEARN or keep moving! You are worth every ounce of dignity God has placed inside you! Be strong as well as beautiful and do not ne robbed of your happiness by settling for less!

God Bless You!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

God Has A Plan For You!

Wives Submit To Your Husbands

Ladies, please don't find this offensive. To Submit is to Love. God submitted to Jesus by answering His every request. Jesus submitted to God in obedience. The Holy Spirit submits to the Father and Son. To submit in love is the greatest love there is!

Where the problem comes in and the question to be asked, is: "WHO" are you submitting to?" Submission should be to one who is WORTHY of being submitted to. Submission opens up your vulnerability and should only be given to one who truly understands how to love, cherish, respect and treat it with gentleness, kindness and honesty. In simple terms, don't submit to just anyone! To submit to a JERK will only leave you laying on the floor with "WELCOME" written on your forehead.

I'll tell you like this: When my wife first said that a good relationship is 50/50, with both people putting effort into a union, I corrected her instantly. A true and worthwhile relationship happens when both parties put in 100%! When I look out for your best interest and feelings 100%, and you do the same for me, it's heaven on earth.

So yes, my wife submits and I love her for it.....but I also submit to her and she feels loved, safe and respected.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A New You

A New You

Each of you, at one point or another, desire change. Change for the better. I know the process of change may seem slow, but rest assured, it can come and for some, it has already begun The 'you' that you were previously is fading as the "new' you is filtering into your life.

You have infinite worth and potential! No matter what you have done, where you have been or where you are now, a new day can come. You are not the same woman you used to be. Not the same as yesterday. Don't listen to voices telling you that you will always be what you have always been.
The road ahead is a journey and journeys take time. Roads are meant to be traveled, so you must walk. Put one foot in front of the other and walk this path each day, making further inroads towards the new you. Keep in mind how valuable you are. You alone know the many mistakes you have made in the past, yet there is hope! You know the hurts and wrongs that have been done to you, but these wounds will heal also. You know how far you must go, but with God's help, you will go farther. You are NOT alone!

Let your mind and heart be renewed. This life is fading like the dew that falls in the morning and is gone by noon. Focus on what truly matters. Your life is priceless, yet fleeting. You must bear in mind that although there are many things more important than material or monetary things in this world that you should be focused on; you are at the top. You cannot take care of others if you, yourself, are falling apart.

 Again, the challenge is for you to walk this new path. Think of the possibilities: strong and confident; knowing where you are headed with vision to get there. Imagine being intact emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. How much of difference would your life look like and your effect on the lives of others around you?

I believe in you. Believe too in yourself. Let the new you emerge!