Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Before Romeo and Juliet, Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts and Richard Gere or Bella and Edward; Existed Ruth and Boaz, around 1000 B.C.

The Book of Ruth, located in the Holy Bible and tells the story of a young woman name Ruth, a Moabite and foreigner to Israel, Ruth has recently been widowed and has chosen to follow her mother-in-law, Naomi, to her native country, leaving everything familiar behind.

Ruth and Naomi have become destitute, having no men to care for them, forcing Ruth to pick or ‘glean’ for left over barley, which was commanded as a charity for the nations poor. Ruth picks barley in the field of Naomi’s relative, Boaz.

Boaz notices Ruth and has compassion on her. He inquires and learns she is a foreigner and a widow, living with his relative Naomi. He also notices her hard work and tells his workers to let her ‘glean’ barley with his servants, protecting her from potential outside dangers.

Boaz admires Ruth’s commitment to Naomi and her trust in the God of Israel. He supplies Ruth and makes sure grain is left for her on purpose. When Naomi learns that Boaz has found favor with Ruth, she instructs her daughter-in-law to, in a sense, propose to Boaz.

Boaz, being a close relative of Naomi is a ‘kinsman redeemer’, having the ability to redeem the family’s lost property by marrying Ruth. Boaz loves Ruth and agrees.  After a closer relative to Naomi; wanting the land, but not Ruth,  declines and passes the land as well as Ruth to Boaz’s hand and they marry.

Boaz respected Ruth, respected the law, acted honorably, looked beyond Ruth’s ‘baggage’ of widowhood and being an outsider into her character. He proved himself to be worthy, a protector, provider, observant, compassionate and having great integrity.

Ladies, wait on ‘Your’ Boaz. Don’t settle for the leftovers, gleaning in the field of men. Wait for that special someone who respects and honors you with word and deed, like Boaz did for Ruth. Learn the many lessons; emotional, spiritual and mental found in the Book of Ruth.

10% of all profits go towards helping women  in impoverished countries.

Ruth Fund Intl.

Subsidy of Rebel Garb 


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